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VolBeating Illumise's Drum

Lou Cypher

The melody of your defeat
This deck I constructed to play vs. league kids, give them something non-complicated to chew on.

19 Pokemon:
4 TR Illumise
4 TR Volbeat
2 HS Sunkern
2 HS Sunflora
3 LA Uxie
1 LA Uxie LVX
2 MD Unown Q
1 LA Azelf

31 TSS:
4 Pokemon Collector
2 Bebe's Search
4 Super Scoop Up
4 Pokemon Rescue
3 Professor Oak's New Theory
3 Expert Belt
4 Pluspower
4 Poké Drawer+
3 Warp Point

10 Energy:
10 Grass Energy

Strategy: Spam Volbeats, beat with Illumise. Pretty simple, meant to teach kids about damage boosting, coin flipping, the importance of trainers, how to get Level X's on the field, etc etc.
sounds like a simple decent deck that would be good for leage. is that the Illumise that does something times the ammoung of volbeats that you have?
i think you could take out a supper scoop up. seince you dont really need that many for a deck with about 50-100 hped pokemom.
Looks like a solid list. Maybe include Shaymin X to boost HP and to teach new Pokeplayers about leveling up if you can't get Uxie out and for boosting HP? I would take 2 Grass energy out for the Landmin X.
MAN, THIS DECK IS SICK! It could take Worlds easily!

Anyway, this is the type of stuff I love building, it's so much fun!

However, I don't think you NEED 10 energy 8 is enough, and like someone said, it makes room for Shaymin LV.X to boost some mad HP. OR, you could use SnowPoint Temple instead. It gives a +20 HP boost to all basics. OR, you can combo them for a lethal combo of 70-150 HP Volbeat/Illumise! Doing 0-140 damage! WOW, that would be awesome !

You've convinced me to steal this idea!

Second thought: You have like 5 different ways of looking for Pokemon, I personally suggest taking some out to make room for HP booster :p!