Voice Actor Discussion Thread


Ash Fangirl Lisa
This is a general thread to discuss the voice actors of Pokemon.

Basically, this would be the place to discuss your thoughts on the original voice actors/new voice actors and their portrayal of the characters on Pokemon.

My thoughts should be obvious from my signature, lol. XD

But just to make sure everyone knows where I stand on this issue: I feel that Pokemon USA made a horrible decision back in 2006, when they replaced the original voice actors of Pokemon. The very same actors who had brought the characters to life on the 4Kids dub for 8 years. You see, the original cast really loved voicing the characters and they were very hurt by the VA switch. However, perhaps even more depressing was the fact that there was nothing preventing Pokemon USA/TAJ from hiring the original cast in the first place. But the companies simply choose not to bother contacting or approaching the original cast with an offer to continue working on Pokemon (however, I'm not going to argue on that issue, because there are too many different opinions on "why the switch happened").

Therefore, because I care so deeply about the original voice actors and their portrayal of the characters in the 4Kids dub, I have been involved with SOVA ever since the group was first established in 2006. And, even despite what many fans think about our group and its goal, I still believe that we can and will get the original voice actors back on the show. It will definitely happen, we (myself and other SOVA members) just have to give it everything we've got, when we voice our concerns to Pokemon USA and DuArt.