Visiting JPN this month: Pokémon Center Promos


Hey guys! I really hope this is the right area to post this! I've read through about 100 pages vaguely related to the 20th Anni Set and still not found an answer so hopefully someone who's been in Japan the past month can help me.

I'm visiting Japan from the 24th of October and would love to get my hands on the Pika/Charizard/Trade Please promos so first question: is the campaign still ongoing? Do I simply go up to the cashier with 40 cards of any rarity/multiples from the new set and ask to trade? Can the majority be Weedle cause, let's face it, it's all I pulled 20 years ago and I'm assuming it's all I'll pull now!

Second question: when I buy a booster box, will the staff just give me the coin set? I need that Chansey coin again. I've lost my last one!

Any help you guys can give me would be amazing! I don't wanna get my hopes up and find out the campaign's over or it's limited stock and likely to be sold out now. Thaaaaanks :)