• When creating a thread in the Deck Garage, make sure that you post one deck per thread, you use the correct prefix, you have the set name/card number next to each card, you give a strategy for non-metagame decks, and give translations for all cards not available in English.

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Vilegar (States master)


Aspiring Trainer
4 Spirittomb
1 Azelf
2 Uxie
2 Unown q
2 Oddish - LA psychic
2 Gloom - UN
2 Vielplume - UN
4 Gastly - SF
3 Haunter - TM
2 Gengar - SF
1 Gengar prime
1 Gengar lvl x
1 Mewtwo MD
1 Mewtwo lvl x

4 Bebe
2 Twins
4 Lookers
3 Broken Time Space
1 Palmer's Contribution
2 Pokemon Collector
2 Professor Oak New Theory

7 Psychic
3 Rescue
4 Warp

Standard Vilegar built but with Mewtwo x. Lock trainers with spirittomb and vileplume. Hit with gengar polt and use gengar prime to send away pokemon if they have any in their hand. Mewtwo x is for sp's.

I have consider taking out a looker to put another pokemon collector and also take a unown q for a crobat.
^ jk8971 the idea of this deck is using spiritomb for set up and trainer lock in early game. ONLY play Gengar Prime if you already set up Vileplume. Also, ff you want to do what are you saying, it's a better idea using Mew Prime. First turn you send Gengar Prime to the Lost Zone and then you use Gengar Prime's attack at the second turn. But if he doesn't run any Lost World that strategy is almost useless (because it's a LostGar strategy). Better idea: use spritomb, build gengar and vileplume, and just poltergeist. IMO an hybrid between VileGar and LostGar will end up in a slow deck with two different strategies. Choose between Trainer Lock or send pokemon to the Lost Zone. Then, build the deck following that idea.
hey dude, i run the same deck but with some different cards which have tested soooo much better. consider these.

slowking from CL, its power lets you look at the top 3 cards of yours or your opponents deck and rearrange them in anyway you like. This will guarentee that your opponents draws into trainers each turn! or use it to make sure you draw the card you need.

mr mime from CL. His trick reveal power lets you look at your opponents hand. this is a great way to see if using poltegiest will KO if you dont have a lookers. Also having him means you can cut looks down to about 2 which gives you more slots to work with. Running 4 in my testings has never done me any good especially with Mr Mime in my deck.

Also, mewtwo lvl X... terrible card. I used to use it. Its good for tanking but the truth is its gonna take you 3 turns to set him up again. If he had free retreat it would be good though. those are turns wasted when you could be building up gengar sf to hit harder and for no discards. He also has no synergy between any of your other cards. this deck is very reliant on synergy so defo replace him with either a 1 1 slowking or 1 mr mime. also running just 1 unown Q will see you good.

good luck and VILEGAR FTW!
so joe how about this
also i do not have slowking

-2 looker
-mewtwo line
-1 warp
-1 unown q
-2 pont
+2 collector
+1 mr.mime
+1 crobat
+2 seeker
+2 copycat
much better!!

one more thing you MAY want to consider is dropping copy cat for PONT. people are verrrry hip to the trainer lock stratedy and will most likely flush their hands. you may be more likely to draw more cards using pont for a solid 6.