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vilegar lock(w B&W rules) (vileplume and gengar) (Needs division in title)


Never Give Up
27 Pokemon:
3-3 Medicham (SV)
2-2-2-1 Gengar (SF Gengar)
2-2-2 Vileplume (UD)
1-1 Dodrio(UD)
2 Spiritomb (AR)
2 Uxie (LA)
2 Stantler/Minun (UL/UL)

19 Trainers:
2 Poke Coll
2 Bebe
1 Luxury
2 Judge
2 Switch
2 Warp Point
1 Twins
2 Seeker
1 Bench Shield

14 Energy:
8 Psychic
4 Rescue
2 Call

This is most effective when the new rules apply
this deck locks cards such as Trainers in your hand and deal a lot with Medicham/Gengar, locking set up with Medicham and Vileplume/Spiritomb
Stantler/Minun to get the deck started, and Spiritomb to start the lock, and evo

any suggestions!!!
RE: vile lock(w B&W rules) (Needs main Pokemon from deck/division in title)

Medicham is borderline useless and this deck is Vilegar with some odd techs... so...
Since you clearly want a 2 basic Pokemon on bench setup, play 2 Call Energy instead of Stantler and Minun. They have the same effect.
-2 Stantler/Minun UL
-2 Warp Point
-2 Switch (... what?)
-2 Cyclone Energy
-2 Warp Energy
-2 DCE
-2 Purugly G
-3-3 Medicham
+2 Seeker (To pick up Pixies... Vileplume... Whatever you need)
+3 Copycat (When you beef up the opponent's hand, you can have massive draw power with this)
+1 Uxie Lv. X (Draw Power)
+2-1 Mewtwo Lv. X (For SP matchups)
+2-1-1 Gengar Prime (Make sure to play 4 SF Gastly to ensure trainer lock T1)
+1 Lost World (For Gengar Prime)
+4 Spiritomb AR (Need 4 to ensure trainer lock T1)
+1-1 Blissey PL (For mirror)
+1 Twins (Obv reasons)
This will make the deck fit the metagame and make it more consistent. A lot of the cards you were playing are not useful or just plain bad. If you need anything more, you can feel free to PM me with questions about the changes. Hope I helped.
RE: vile lock(w B&W rules) (Needs main Pokemon from deck/division in title)

i also stated that this decks full potential will be when B&W rules take effect and all Trainers, Supporters and stadiums are ALL trainers, Medicham forces drawing, as vileplume locks

i knew i forgot something though(seekers wont work for this after April 27th), but i will put in twins and seekers though
RE: vilegar lock(w B&W rules) (vileplume and gengar)

Actually, that's false, the context of the card will be changed from "Neither player can play Trainer - Trainer cards from their hand". It's not Trainers, Supporters, and Stadiums.
RE: vilegar lock(w B&W rules) (vileplume and gengar)

never mind then, this would have been a nice deck idea if vileplume's poke body didnt adapt to the new format
RE: vilegar lock(w B&W rules) (vileplume and gengar)

I would take out the stantler and minun and add in 2 more spiritombs. If you want an early lock going Tomb is the basic you want to start with i would also take out the 2 switches and maybe put in 2 warp energies in their place.
This deck can still be good for BR's and Nationals, so I would suggest taking the edits I made into mind and make this deck as good as possible.