VGC Trick Room

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Whatever you do, don't play Half-Life in the dark.
This my first shot at making a VGC trick room team for 5th Gen. Please don't be afraid to really tear this team apart and give me your honest opinion. I am not going to learn if you go easy on me.

Whimsicott @ Leftovers
- Substitute
- Leech Seed
- Taunt
- Trick Room
Ability: Prankster
EVs and Nature:
EVs: 252 Def / 248 SDef / 8 Spd
Bold Nature

One of my two starters. Sets up Trick Room. Then goes right into sub-seeding. Taunt is to annoy people. The speed EVs are to tri and outspeed other Whimsicottis.

Gigalith @ Normal Gem
- Rock Slide
- Earthquake
- Explosion
- Protect
nature: Brave
ability: Sturdy
evs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 6 SpD
My other starter. Rock Slide and Earthquake get good coverage and power coming off of 130 base Attack. Explosion does incredible damage combined with Normal Gem. Because of its ability, Gigalith should be able to get off Explosion before it goes down. Protect should be used when Trick Room is being set up and to scout the opponent's strategy.


Conkeldurr @ Flame Orb
Ability: Guts
EVs: 252 HP/252 ATK/4 SpD
Nature: Adamant
- Protect
- Mach Punch
- Drain Punch
- Stone Edge

Stone Edge is to cover its Flying weakness. Mach punch to finish off weakened pokemon. Flame Orb is to take advantage of Guts and lets Drain Punch do some serious damage to the other pokemon.


Reuniclus @ Life Orb
Ability: Magic Guard
EVs: 172 HP/32 DEF/252 SpA/52 SpD
Nature: Quiet
- Trick Room
- Focus Blast
- Psyshock
- Shadow Ball

Another Trick Roomer. He gets send out after whimsicott goes down. Psyshock to take care of pokemon with low defense.


Eelektross @ Flight Gem
- Acrobatics
- Wild Charge
- Rock Slide
- Crunch
Nature: Brave
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 6 SpD

He is to cover my water weakness. Flight gem acrobatics ohkos scrafty, conkeldurr, and specially defensive amoonguss. Rock Slide is to take care of fliers when he is low on HP.
Jellicent @ Water Gem
- Scald
- Trick Room
- Shadow Ball
- Ice Beam
Nature: Quiet
Ability:Flame Body
EV's: 252 HP/ 252 SpA / 4 SpD

Trick Room is there to reset Trick Room if it has gone down or not been set up at all. Shadow Ball is for STAB and hitting opposing ghosts such as Chandelure for super effective damage, who otherwise threaten it. Ice Beam hits dragons and the genies.
mogogomo said:
well im not sure that your allowed pre gen items ill check for you

You are allowed to use them.

I highly suggest you make sure all your Pokemon have 0 IVs in speed, besides Whimsicott.
I was thinking about maybe having 4 IVs in speed for Whimsicott to outspeed other Whimsicotts.
Give Whimsy the sash and give chandelure choice specs or air balloon. Also, give eelektross a rock or dark gem.
Why give Whimsy the sash? I was thinking about replacing Chandelure for Jellicent since Jellicent has fewer weaknesses compared to Chandelure.
Go for jellicent. Chandelure is still pretty speedy so many pokemon can just kill it easily. Jellicent just gets plain annoying with the standard scald/toxic/recover/hex set, especically when slow
Another idea would be to give whimsy a mental herb to prevent it from being taunt-locked.

Also, reuniclus can afford to have protect over psyshock.
Swift Swim Rain teams will completely Stolen this team. Try running a Special Blissey instead of Chandelure. Heres a great set:

@ Life Orb
Trait: Natural Cure
Ev's: 252 Hp/ 252SpAtt/ 4 Def : 0 Speed Iv's
Modest Nature (+SpAtt -Att)
-Flamethrower / Hp (Bug or Fighting)
-Ice Beam
-Charge Beam

This set is really unexpected in the 5th gen. With trick room up, Blissey will outspeed a lot of its counters. HP Bug is for Ludicolo's and Anything Psychic. HP Fire is for anything Normal, and Ferrothorns.
The only problem is I can only use 5th Gen pokemon.
eevee said:
The only problem is I can only use 5th Gen pokemon.

Oh crap, its a VGC team. Then maybe try Sigilyph:

Heres a set:
@ Flame Orb
Trait: Magic Guard
Ev's: 252 Hp/ 252 Speed/ 4 Def
Timid Nature (+Speed -Att)
-Psycho Shift
-Cosmic Power
-Stored Power / Air Slash

This pokemon really bugs me. It sweeps me every time i battle it. Its bulky and fast. If it gets to set up, you minds well quit.
The only problem with it is I am running a Trick Room team. I need slow but powerful pokemon.
The only one who has EVs in speed is Whimsi. Those are to try to outspeed other whimsis.
Please add more of a description to your Pokemon or this will be locked. The rules are stickied, and I will give you a couple days to fix this.
for your whimsi, instead of taunt, id do protect. for one, protect would let it just up its hp a bit and make them waste a move, two, what if you wind up having to use explosion from gigalith? double ko there. and it would keep your substitute out longer. as for your conkeldurr, id do facade instead of protect. it would do double damage cause of the flame orb, and then some more from guts, and with his incredible attack, it would hit most anything pretty hard. and also, id do toxic orb instead of flame orb. the burn condition lowers your attack. although the toxic orb could badly poison, which would do double damage every turn. so that part would be for your decision. but other then that, id say you got a great vgc team there buddy.
Thanks for the comments. I hadn't thought about using Facade on Conkeldurr. I will try it out. I checked about Flame Orb+Guts and Flame Orb won't lower attack when used with Guts.
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