Very new to this newer version of the game!

Marvel Zombies

Aspiring Trainer
I was wondering if anyone on here could fill me in on the new lingo for this game. I use to play it years ago and finally got back into it and I was looking at that trade thread, which I am mostly going to be on, and saw alot of stuff I could figure out what they were. I know that PK is power keeper and DF is dragon frontier but what are the others. Plus how you describe the cards like holo and all that since there are like five different versions of cards now.

Also how good are the old cards, back when wizards was making them, I mean are they still wanted or are they really just crap now becasue I have tons of the old rares and promo's and I still can't believe that The birthday pikachu I tried so hard to get and finally did became so easy to get and un rare now.

Any and all info is greatly appreciated and I hope I can help you guys out and much as you can help me.
δ pokemon are ones that have been experimented on by some Holon guy ... some sort of mad scientist or something I never really got the background story ... at first most of them were mixed type pokemon with their normal type and metal but later δ pokemon were just different than their normal type, like Ralts δ is Fire instead of Psychic.
Yeah I have lots of those but I like the Delta metal ones better. I think they should start doing that with all of the pokemon. Making them two types. Also instead of dark or light pokemon make them half dark type and don't put it in there name becasue I really found that annoying also with the ones with trainers names in there name.
Yes, they were cool but DF was the last set with deltas in them:( The next set PK is about to come out soon though.

dmaster out.
A pretty cool word to know is "Search." There's actually a pretty cool button that performs this function.