Updated Layout

Water Pokémon Master

I like Pokemon more than you! :p
Elite Member
Advanced Member
It's still being worked on, but what do you guys think? (http://www.pokebeach.com/123) Opinions? Comments? Since the website is still not loading all images, you may not see all of the images in the layout yet.

Also, if you have IE, could you please provide a screenshot if the layout looks completely messed up, like with the left and right menus or something? Thanks.
Its ok, but I personally think :: assuming its not alot of trouble, honestly has no idea :: that the Banner should be changed monthly, and dedicated to a type of Pokemon or Theme.
Such as:
Thunder Pokemon
Fossil Pokemon
Fire Pokemon
Legendary Pokemon
Starter Pokemon

because i honestly get tired of seeingthe same pokemon/legendaries over and over.

But then again, if I'm tired of it, why do I still come here? :: checkmates self ::
Just a random idea, I'll support it regardless
I like it and it looks cool and I also like the new Diamond and Pearl banner too. Give the credit to your hard working workers too.LOL.:)
Nanashii said:
Its ok, but I personally think :: assuming its not alot of trouble, honestly has no idea :: that the Banner should be changed monthly, and dedicated to a type of Pokemon or Theme.
Such as:
Thunder Pokemon
Fossil Pokemon
Fire Pokemon
Legendary Pokemon
Starter Pokemon

because i honestly get tired of seeingthe same pokemon/legendaries over and over.

But then again, if I'm tired of it, why do I still come here? :: checkmates self ::
Just a random idea, I'll support it regardless

The only time we have ever re-used a banner was the Dialga and Palkia one last month. When have we ever used the same Pokemon/legendaries over and over?
Some people told me that in IE, the menus are messed up and are lower than they should be. If this is happening to anyone, please provide me a screenshot and the version of IE you are using. Thank you!
Well WPM, I did as you asked and took a few screenshots.....the problem was exactly as you said it was....the left and right menus are down a little bit. Im not using the MOST CURRENT version of IE but the one right before I think.....the one WITHOUT the tabs.....well heres the links



Hope That Helped!
Hmm.... It looks okay but... it makes me feel tired... (in A good way though!):D Good job WPM!!
IE 1, Well, this happens sometimes at PB. It's mostly stopped after Refreshing the Page
IE 2, there is a Thread about it, it thought so atleast.
IE 3, This is without Images
IE 4, This is the Good one.

EDIT: forgot to say that i love it
Yeah, I my IE, the menus are all the way at the bottom, I guess you could say there not even really on the web page.  I did make some screenshots to show you what it looks like:
[Note that the Quality is off, but when you go to the site it's fine.]
IE.1 : [top]
IE.2 : [top middle]
IE.3 : [bottom middle]
IE.4 : [bottom]
I'm using IE7 and fortunately, the menus are not all the way down. Nice layout.
It screwed up! The menu is all the way down. Sorry, I can't show you a screenshot since idk how, but I'll describe it. The menu is underneath the Staryu, meaning that it is below the white space.

PS. SNN is helping me create the screenshot.