Two Magical Fish

I'd asume the chagin to bubbles part would have to mean that if you should screw up, you'll become that dark one and be ban without a second thought then the power is handed off.
But you've all been reading as if favoriting the Light Fish.
WPM told us to read without favoritism.
This could alter stuff right around completly.
But, if I'm wrong, WPM said to read it as if we'd never used the internet then relate it to the forum.
Taking in what Unknown said into consideration technically speaking, the bad kid might not have been bad till he was a Mod. (Relating it in)
Water Pokémon Master said:
I didn't say it had nothing to do with the forum. I said to read it as if you have never been on the internet; that way, you might understand it. Then apply it to the forum. Only AFTER you understand it. :p

Wow, he gave us another clue. It's amazing what happens through the night, at least for me anyways. :p

Water Pokémon Master Wrote:
Two little fish,
Each endowed with magical powers.

One accepted all with a warm glow;
Its opposite exerted anger and rage.

The first grew to love;
The second grew to hate.

Magic is given to those who are accepting of everyone;
Magic is given to those who positively impact the most with what they are birthed.

It's an old folktale. If one remains unfaithful, it turns to bubbles. If lives are changed, its life is payment for the magic of others.

Okay, so all the words that are bold are just personalities. Each good thing about one person is followed by a negative thing about another. So is it just describing how some people are kind and nice while some people express hatred towards others.

Or because Water Pokemon Master said apply it to the forum after you get the just of the poem, maybe it has to do with to of the same. Two members or two mods. Because they were endowed with magical powers, they must be two mods. No member has mod powers. So if we're speaking of two mods, then one will be demoted because they express hatred to the other members, while another mod will step up in position who changed member's lives or something around that. This is my final theory. I'll just comment on other people's now. xD
I think NN was the closest. However, we still have one peice of the puzzle left. Nothign happens until we guess it, therefore if we get it right wwe will know that we will have to actively do somethign to make the thing happen. Therefore no-one has guessed it. Think about somethign that we have to actively do.
Well a tip to guessing these riddles is not to think too much. Usually it's something we don't notice because of all the weird ideas that pop out of our mind when we see Two Magical Fish.
Heres my guess:

Water Pokémon Master said:
Two little fish,
Each endowed with magical powers.

One accepted all with a warm glow;
Its opposite exerted anger and rage.

The first grew to love;
The second grew to hate.

Magic is given to those who are acceptingof everyone;
Magic is given to those who positively impact the most with what they are birthed.

It's an old folktale. If one remains unfaithful, it turns to bubbles. If lives are changed, its life is payment for the magic of others.

I'll deal with each bolede text peice by peice:


Everyone has so far learnt endowed to mean that they were given mod powers. HOwever, endowed has two meanings. It could also mean that it is as if these two fish were given magical powers (since they are little, the obviously can't be fully mods or whatever yet). Therefore, there are two peopel who are acting as if they have these magic powers.

Translating this into context, there are two members who work hard, and are good members, maybe enforcing rules, and helping the forums alot, without mod status. Sounds good so far?

accepted all with a warm glow;

The first little fish used this endowed magic to be kind to people, in a nice way he used this power.

This refers to one member who is very ncie abotu how he uses his power, very fiendly, etc.

exerted anger and rage.

The other one was very strict with his power. He was cruel to others and became angry when they did things wrong.

This refers to a member who enforces the rules strictly, being mean to rule breakers in the process, unlike the first fish who kindly explained about the rules to the others.

PLEASE NOTE: Where does it say that:

A), so far either have been moded?

B), ONe fish was de-moded, or a bad fish at all? Strict, yes. A bad fish, no.


The first grew to love;

This first little fish grew to become more friendly. It grew up to be kind to others in the way it used its endowed magic.

This is the member who continued to be kind in the way he enforced rules.

The second grew to hate.

THis fish continued to strictly enforce rules, beign maybe unkind to others.

That is the end of the actual story. THat is all past tense. THe rest is future.

Since no-one has been properly given magic yet, the next two lines come in:

Magic is given to those who are acceptingof everyone;

The first fish will be given magic, because he was kind to the others.

The first member will be granted Mod status, for being kidn to others.

Magic is given to those who positively impact the most with what they are birthed.

Magic will also be given to the second fish,who was strict in the way he enforced rules.

The refers to the member who is strict, but is moded because he impacted everyone. WHat good is a mod that doesn't make anyone change their ways? This fish also does a good job of enforcing the rules.

If one remains unfaithful, it turns to bubbles. If lives are changed, its life is payment for the magic of others.

OK, the clincher.

The second fish became bad with his power, hence the word unfaithful. He was no longer usign it for good, so he turned to bubles.

This fish turned to bubles, yet he did do a good job of impacting the world around him, or the members around him, so lives were hanged. Now that he is gone, someone else needs to be picked to take his place.

Now lets wrap it up.

The story of the first fish is the exemplary way to use power. IT shows us hwo one should proceed when given magic. This 'fish' has already been moded, or given power. It doesn't matter who he is. The second fish will, future tense, be turned to bubles, if he REMAINS unfaithful. A warning. He should learn from the first fish how to continue using his power. In the event that he does turn to bubles, a new fish will need to be given magic to take his place.

And therefore, agreeing with what other people have said, this could be acting as a warning. The bad fish needs to correct his ways, or his position will be given to someone else.
I still don't get it. So, they'll choose a member who is nice and one who enforces the rules strictly?
Two little fish,
Each endowed with magical powers.

One accepted all with a warm glow;
Its opposite exerted anger and rage.

The first grew to love;
The second grew to hate.

Magic is given to those who are accepting of everyone;
Magic is given to those who positively impact the most with what they are birthed.

It's an old folktale. If one remains unfaithful, it turns to bubbles. If lives are changed, its life is payment for the magic of others.

Rearrange the randomly bolded letters:



Da vinci left us clues.

Look at the painting

This is not coincidence!
LV, someone out there likes you.

Anyways, I just had another brain wave. What if yout take it all to be a warning like I said, but not one as pratical as named before.

Maybe WPm is simply positng a guide on hwo to become a mod, and how nto to become a mod, or how to be a good fish and hwo nto to be a good fish. It makes more sence.

Bad fish are banned, good fish are given powers, like mods. It's just a general lesson for all of us.
Fridge, you have a really good point. This could all be a guide if you want to become a Mod. Be kind to all the members...
I doubt that there is anything implied here. Mr. Water Pokémon Master must have given us this folktale to teach us something that might not be forum-related.
Ahhh but Spoon! I have just recieved evidense that it might, in fact, be D_master!


On a more serious note...

I think I see what WPM is getting at, and if I'm wrong it is still a good theory. As he is probably waiting for someone to get the right answer, I won't say what it is on the offchance that I am right, but... it may be too late for a lot of the people who have already posted in this thread.

You guys, I think we're connecting to the forum and the site with the poem way too early.

If WPM wants us to read this without bias, don't you think we shouldn't be talking about Pokebeach and anything related to it?
Two little fish,
Each endowed with magical powers. Each had their own gift

One accepted all with a warm glow; A person who didn't judge anyone and excepted them without question.
Its opposite exerted anger and rage. Only likes those it felt to be worthy

The first grew to love;
The second grew to hate.

Magic is given to those who are accepting of everyone;
Magic is given to those who positively impact the most with what they are birthed. People who use what they know to selflessly help others are given this magic.

It's an old folktale. If one remains unfaithful, it turns to bubbles. If one remains unfaithfull it becomes bubbles... Bubbles pop. Another meaning to this is that bubbles can be a form of isolation. If lives are changed, its life is payment for the magic of others. If the little fish changes the lives of others then it's life gives them their magic.

That's what I came up with.