Tuesday, 6/12, New Diamond and Pearl Info

It actually means "90% of the pokemon can develop themselves further" Which I'm guessing just means they evolve.
Ah. I personally kinda like Pokemon that don't evolve - they often seem to turn out more interesting. But still pretty cool either way.
that's the coolest logo so far

and, I kinda expected manaphy to learn a nobody-else-can-learn-it move. And 90%, there's still hope for Buoysel

BTW, you added all that in 5 minutes
The Logo is the Best one I've seen since Ex Dragon.

I just Can't wait (to be King) till Diamond & Pearl come out & Battle Revolution as well

Nanakamado means Mountain Ash...A plant, if you want to know. Is it possible that the professor would be Ash!?? o_O

I <3 the logo. The prettiest of all.^^

in one of the pics of the pokedex you can see that bouysel's number is 56. So that means there is going to be a new numbering system.
RE:  Tuesday, 6/12, New Diamond and Pearl Info

Kaito said:
Nanakamado means Mountain Ash...A plant, if you want to know. Is it possible that the professor would be Ash!?? o_O
prof. Ash
, I don't think his English name would have anything to do with his Japanese
I can't wait for this game!!
Na...Nanakamado? that's quite a strange name for a Professor...
Profs Mountain Ash? Prof. Ash? What the...?

The CG logo is awesome!
I bet the Reverse rare holo will be good!~
1) Day/Night returned - yay

2) Gender differenses - yay

3) Check serebii.net for more information (I dare you to, Jayh!!!)
wow, differences between ♂ and ♀, I'm surprised, finally something logical, maybe mr. mime will look like ms. mime after all
pearl and diamond? I can assume that like rubi and sapphire they made firered and leafgreen about the Kanto region, they will make games for the DS that are about the Johto region.