Time space distortion

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It is extremely rare and very overhyped. This card is only good in T2 Donk decks like Mario and Kricketune. Decks that are actually worth mentioning that are NOT T2 Donk decks should not use this.....
StealthAngel667 said:
It's a recycle card and has nothing to do with Donking. It's just a potential addition to Night Maintenance.

Nothing to do with donking? Any deck that actually can live out past T3 really has not got card space to waste in a 60 card deck.

T2 Donk decks however, well, they have almost the entire deck to waste.

Before saying "zomg it overhyped!1!11" Let's take a look at the odds of you flipping/rolling heads.

1 heads: 50%
2 heads: 25%
3 heads: 12.5%

Before comparing such a flippy, luck based card to Night Maintenance, take a look at the ratios, and, why would a deck that can actually live past T3 rely on THAT?
There are no currently popular existing donking decks. Some Pokemon just have the luck that their prevolutions can donk, but nothing more. No deck plays donking Pokes just for the donking. If you think so, please name one and I might rephrase myself.
EDIT: With that, I can't deny the fact that it's flippy. That's why I called it an addition to Night Maintenance, not a replacement.
StealthAngel667 said:
There are no currently popular existing donking decks. Some Pokemon just have the luck that their prevolutions can donk, but nothing more. No deck plays donking Pokes just for the donking. If you think so, please name one and I might rephrase myself.
EDIT: With that, I can't deny the fact that it's flippy. That's why I called it an addition to Night Maintenance, not a replacement.

In my original post, I did.

Mario and Kricketune. Mario not being popular? The sky is the limit with it, it got 3rd at Worlds even. I do not think that the popularity with Mario is going to die right now.

Kricketune...I do not think I have to comment there...
Kricketune is a T2 deck, just like about every other often winning deck around. I don't see why you brought this up. The basic of Kricketune shouldn't even do damage but just CFF ftw.
Mario is the example I was using; since Machamp and Lucario both have the luck of starting with a good basic, it became a donking deck. But that's still not the point of the deck, it's just yet another reason why it's doing so well.
StealthAngel667 said:
Kricketune is a T2 deck, just like about every other often winning deck around. I don't see why you brought this up. The basic of Kricketune shouldn't even do damage but just CFF ftw.
Mario is the example I was using; since Machamp and Lucario both have the luck of starting with a good basic, it became a donking deck. But that's still not the point of the deck, it's just yet another reason why it's doing so well.

They are both Donking decks. Once you get the search cards/pokemon/energy out of the way, you have alot of cards to waste. TSD is a good example of this. TSD is good in T2 donk decks, because you can attempt to do a T3 donk if you get lucky with your flips =D

Personally, I do not like Donk decks. But the only decks that TSD will be effective in IS donk decks, sadly.
I think you misunderstood it...a Kricketune deck with 3 Pokes in the discard pile by T3 is dead, wasted and blasted to smithereens for real. But that's where NM or TSD comes in. Not to help you set up...they get cards out of the DISCARD pile, mmkay. And by T3, Mario has already fully setup so I don't see much donking there.
Once you get the search cards/pokemon/energy out of the way, you have alot of cards to waste
So what you're saying is, you got more cards than just trainers, pokemon and energy? Like what? Or are you talking about CC, PPs and stuff...but those will be searched and burned through in no time, trust me.
StealthAngel667 said:
I think you misunderstood it...a Kricketune deck with 3 Pokes in the discard pile by T3 is dead, wasted and blasted to smithereens for real. But that's where NM or TSD comes in. Not to help you set up...they get cards out of the DISCARD pile, mmkay. And by T3, Mario has already fully setup so I don't see much donking there.
Once you get the search cards/pokemon/energy out of the way, you have alot of cards to waste
So what you're saying is, you got more cards than just trainers, pokemon and energy? Like what? Or are you talking about CC, PPs and stuff...but those will be searched and burned through in no time, trust me.

Donk decks need TSD/NM to setup. Real decks that don't rely on donkage to win will not waste deck space on TSD, but, will use NM.

Even if everyone thinks TSD is so good, I am sticking to my guns on this one, TSD is not good. Unless you are using a coin with two heads, then it is a pathetic excuse for a pokemon retrieval card.
My R-Gon deck uses TSD and I think it will work just fine x.x dont believe me? click in my sig :p (and give some advice while youre there :D)
A donk debate, sweet.

Kricit is a donkish deck, and Inferncatty also has a high donk percentage. But there's really not any 100% DONK deck. though the 2 above can come close. TSD is a collecters card, but It's very good as a 1-2 NM tech. Donk decks don't need TSD because the game is over T2-T3, with T4 max. otherwise, it's not a donk deck.
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