Writing The Warriors Of Pokebeach (Its now renewed!) CHAPTER 10 HERE!


The Warriors Of Pokebeach is my latest fan-fic about the warriors of pokebeach (obviously)...

2 years ago...
"Hmmm..." He said as he wondered into his bedroom, dreading the look of his new website which hadnt seen the light of day before.
He logged onto his laptop, and double clicked the shortcut he had created for editing his website.
He had a problem with his website, it used to much bandwidth. It was his websites hosts fault.
He decided to switch hosts then.
P4hosting to Dreamhost.
It took about a week to switch hosts, but it was worth it.
The website was becoming an extremely popular pokemon TCG information recourse, and alot of people were signing up to the Pokebeach forums.
He picked strategists, trade coucilers, moderators and supermoderators for the forums, which have changed over the years.

Chapter 1 coming soon.

Chapter 1: One Star

In this limited universe, only 1.5 years old, there once existed nothingness.

As stars began to appear, time began to turn, and space began to form, until the limited universe expanded into an even greater one.

At the cost of expansion, however, chaos became prevalent. The void that had once grown from nothingness became polluted and tainted with nescience and corruption. Intelligence was lost, slowly replaced by ignorance, and sometimes even fear.

Several new stars took on new roles as red giants, helping to return the chaos to order. Unfortunately, the red giants could not hold their own, and were overwhelmed by the wickedness. The red giants conferred, filtering through the chaos for any signs of intelligence. Four new stars were discovered, but only three were able to find the scroll that was needed to guide them through the chaos and bring them to the positions they were meant for.

Time and space continued to exist, until external corruption induced, and one of the red giants imploded on itself from its own arrogance. The chaos was beginning to take over, and although the minuscule loss was nothing to weep over, it necessitated the need for a new star.

As it has often been said, for every star that dies, a new one is born. The fourth star would need to find the scroll hidden within the chaotic universe to help return the chaos to order.

The scroll...
The members of Pokebeach were deciphering this for a long time then, and finding out what its got to do with Water Pokemon Master choosing a new mod.
Eventually WPM said that they had to find the scroll...
If they found the scroll, the mod would be chosen...
We searched for the scroll, hopelessly until that night, when somone finally found the scroll, he and WPM were the only members online...
This person did not post that he had found the scroll in the forums.
The members of Pokebeach continued the search for the scroll, unknown to the discovery.

Chapter 2: The portal.

Dan logged into the pokebeach Forums as Hypertech, he grinned as he scanned the 'whos online' list at the bottom of the page, his freind Jack was logged in as Kyogre Flash.
The list included all the mods and supermods, which was very unusuall...
It also had well known members like Shadow Master, Arcanine, PPM, LT Houndoom and Sam Von Noobenschtein.
Dan went onto the Clans And Clubs section, to check on his Kingdom Hearts clan.
Kyogre Flash had posted on it, he clicked his clan, expecting to see page 54 of his clans posts, but instead his PC shined so much light in his face, that he was temporarily blinded!
When he could see again he wasnt in his bedroom anymore.
Chapter 3: Time to meet in person! (Part 2)

"I clicked on the mario clan, and thats how I got here..." Replied Jack.
"Do you think anyone else realised that we are all members of pokebeach?" Dan asked Jack.
"How do YOU know?" Jack asked.
"Well, I guess its just because its you and me, and have you noticed those pokeballs? There just like the ones from the PokeBeach forums..."
"I guess..."

A male member walked up to them.
"Do you have any idea whats going on here?" He asked.
"Well, I guess that we are all members of the PokeBeach forums..." Dan replied.
"Yeah, looks like it, and those pokeballs have the section names on them, just like the forums... By the way, I'm am the fallen, whats your username? I think it will be easier to learn everyones names by there usernames."
"OK, I'm hypertech and this is-" Hypertech started.
"I'm Kyogre Flash" Kyogre Flash finished.
"OK, now that weve introduced ourselves, time to find a way out of here..."

Chapter 4: Invasion!
"But how?" Asked Hypertech.
"Leave it to me, ill find a way out..." THe Fallen replied.
"Your not the only one who can think you know?!" Kyogre Flash said.


"The plan is working perfectly, the members of pokebeach are all in cyberspace,"
"Should I go in to tell them?"
"You should go in, but not to tell them, cause a panic, thats all I ask..."
"Lead them into the game corner, and lead them into this thread..."


Hypertech, Kyogre Flash and The Fallen looked around, they could see the game corner pokeball, suddenly they saw somone go in!
"WAIT!" Hypertech cried.
"Lets go after him, it could be dangerous in there!" Kyogre Flash suggested.
"Agrreed..." The Fallen aggreed.
They ran into the game corners pokeball.
More opkeballs were in the game corner, but they had thread names on them...
The person ran into the 'Add On Sentence Game' thread, they followed, when they got into the thread, they saw a whole land that this thread had created by making a story...
Golemss were all over the place and random things walked the town.
"Wait up!" Hypertech cried to the person.
The person smiled at them, and said:
"Hehe, omg are these PokeBeach members perfetic!" He said.
"Whats that supposed to mean?" The Fallen asked angrily.
"Your pathetic, just wait until we take over these forums and get rid of you for good!" He suddenly teleported away.

"Hold on!" A male voice came from behind them.
"I saw you come in here, I wondered what was up!" He said.
"We followed this guy, and I don't think hes from our forums..." Hypertech replied.
"I'm The Fallen this is Hypertech and this guy is Kyogre Flash..." The fallen said.
"This guy?? Can you at least pay me a little respect?" Kyogre Flash said angrily.
"I'm pokemon-dragonfly.piczo.com..." The boy said.
"Lets just call you dragonfly..."
Suddenly a cross appeared on the pokeball to get out!
They were locked in the Add On Sentence Game.

Chapter 5: The Add On Sentence Game!

"I managed to get 4 of them in the thread, but thats it..."
"Hmmph... Well, despite that there are only 4 of them in there, time to play"
They sat down on to seperate computers logged in the PokeBeach forums and in the Add On Sentence Game.
"Ill Start"
He typed: So 20 scythers appeared and started chopping the pokebeach members to peices...


"WHAT THE HELL?" Dragonfly shouted.
"Calm down, well find a way out... Somone must have posted something about escaping..." Hypertech wondered.
"Lets explore this place then..." The Fallen Said.
Suddenly, from the blue, 20 scythers appeared from nowhere!
Kyogre Flash yelled.
The scythers slashed there scythes wildly at the 4 members, they were dodjing the scythers, but how long could they dodge for?
Not long enough.
They had to think of a way to destroy these scythers before they destroyed them!

Chapter 5 (part 2):

Crazy Aipom had just logged in, he was surprised by the lack of members in the forums, the only person over than himself was called: ?...
He saw that ? had posted on the add on sentence game, Crazy Aipom looked on the Add On Sentence game, and suddenly, he had a vision, a vision of deaths, fighting, scythers slicing teenagers to pieces!
"That was weird..." He muttered.
He saw what ? had posted, and looked in shock at the post.
So 20 scythers appeared and started chopping the pokebeach members to peices...

Was this somehow related to the vision?
He had seen how horrible the deaths were, and thought:
What if something really is happening somewhere, like that?
He posted on the add on sentence game:
But before the scythers could kill them, the members got superpowers and killed the scythers so...


"I feel stronger..."

Chapter 6: Another side, another story...

The pokemember: Carnivine Creator 123123 was not on his PC, as usual he was hanging out with his friends: Joe, Dyllan and Bradley.
"Hey guys, want to get an ice-cream?" Bradley suggested.
"Fine, but I'm not paying!" Dyllan said.
"Why not? I'm not paying, Bradley is!" Joe said.
"Fine, ill pay" Bradley gave in.
So as they all walked outside, Carnivine folowed, he usually had something to say, but not today, today he was silent, there was something about this week that was diferent, he felt sad.

HE tripped on something, as he was falling, he felt time stop itself, slowly, s-l-o-w-l-y...
He got up, and walked outside, he gasped as he saw Joe, Dyllan and Bradley, but they werent moving, they werent even breathing.

"Hello, Carnivine Creator 123123," A voice called out.
He looked round, and saw a bay slightly older than him, in a suit of armour, apart from his helmet which he carried seperately.
"I am the vasoguard."

Chapter 7: Run while you still can!

Hypertech, Kyogre, The Fallen and Dragonfly all felt the same feeling, they all were charged with amazing strengh!
Hypertech grabbed one of the scythers blades, and swung the scyther, hurtling it into another! They de-materialized, before Kyogre punched a scyther in the stomach, and it too de-materialized.
Dragonfly kicked a scyther in the crotch, and yes, it de-materialized.
The Fallen simply pinched a scythers neck, he knew that it would cause damaged, yeah it de-materialized.

The quadrupal team made short work of the scythers, and there superpowers faded, as did the cross sign on the thread pokeball.
"Quick, run while you still can!" Dragonfly shouted, and they all legged it to the pokeball, it transported them back to the game corner.


"Hmm, why is the thread locked?" Crazy Aipom wondered as he looked onto the game corner to check the add on sentence game.
"Oh Well, it would have eventually been locked anyway..."
He decided to send a PM to Carnivine, the only other member that was online to see if he knew where the members had gone.

Chapter 8: The one who knows.

Once Aipom had sent the PM, he decided to read random fanfics while waiting for a reply.
After 3 minutes, he got one it said:

Ah, Crazy Aipom, I needed to speak to you...

Have you seen a vision lately? If you have, it all depends on you, concentrate all your mind energy into materializing into the pokebeach forums, I know it sounds crazy but its the only way.
I will be watching your every move, and supporting you when you need support, good luck...

~Carnivine Creator 123123

Ok, that did sound weird, how was he going to go inside the forums? He thought it was just a joke, but the vision part, how did carnivine know?

Ok, concentrate all your power into getting into the forums...

"W-where am I?" [/I]

Post: #39RE: The Warriors Of Pokebeach

Chapter 9: The Villians Vale

"Why arent they dead?"
"Hypertech and his friends, they are alive and out of the add on sentence game..."
"Ah great, somone must have posted something else on there,"
"I thought you were an expert at assanination electimortar, don't you want revenge?"
"Of course... more than anything..."
Electimortar said looking at the floor, before straightening up as his boss walked towards him.
The boss sat down on a computer and typed in a website address, and he was suddenly on the serribii forums.
"What is the situation in those forums then?" Electimortar asked.
"Its going well, more and more members of serribii are getting destroyed by our troops..." The Boss replied.
"And the warpinator?"
"It is warping more and more members of forums from websites by the minute, soon we can set it to anhilalation mode..."
"What will happen to you once it happens?" Electimortar asked.
"Ill probably go back where I belong..."
"And me?"
"I just don't know..."
RE: The Warriors Of Pokebeach (Its now renewed!) CHAPTER 9 HERE!

This is a great fanfic!! Can't wait for more!!
RE: The Warriors Of Pokebeach (Its now renewed!) CHAPTER 9 HERE!

this rocks keep it up never read anything like this its great!
RE: The Warriors Of Pokebeach (Its now renewed!) CHAPTER 9 HERE!

Chapter 10: The massacre of members

Crazy Aipom was in the forums, he looked around, surprised that there were other people around, and he tapped someone on the back, they turned around, and aipom saw that he was sad, depressed, he suddenly dematerialized, an expression etched on his face, he wished he was gone, and so he had gone...

Aipom went up to the far end of the room, and touched a pokeball saying: User CP, he was warped inside, and he looked shocked at what he saw: 3 members on the floor, not moving, with another member standing behind them, he said:
"They are coming, no-one is safe, run."
Suddenly 30 cloaked people appeared out of no-where, with katana blades so long, that Aipom had to stand back.


HT, KF, The Fallen and PDP came out of the game corner, only to find a member running out of the user CP pokeball shouting:
"What is he talking about?" Asked dragonfy.
He found out a second later, as 30 cloaked men with katanas came running, slicing anybody they could find, a member in armour stood past all this, and lifted his sword up, defending the members.
"GO TO THE FAN CREATIONS, YOU WILL BE SAFE THERE!" He shouted, blocking a strike from a cloaked person, HT, KF, The Fallen, and PDP ran into the fan creations, without hestating, while other members remained, lying on the floor, surely dead.

HT and his friends found another member in fan creations though, they were not the only ones to survive.
"Hello, im Crazy Aipom"
RE: The Warriors Of Pokebeach (Its now renewed!) CHAPTER 9 HERE!

Where you have shortened my name to dragonfly can you change dragonfly to PDP...