The wackiest KO you ever seen. T2 or not.

Lou Cypher

The melody of your defeat
Yeah, something to just laugh at other people's (mis-)fortunes. I'll kick off.

Was watching a semi-final at a Battle Road Side-Event. Player A has a Nidoran f active, and ends his turn (didn't see exactly what he did, but that Nidoran was all he had by the end of his turn). His opponent draws, and his field consists of a Seedot. He plays Rare Candy, Shiftry Ex PK, gives Special Dark Energy and does that look-at-hand-pick-attack-found-there attack Shiftry has. Nidoqueen MT was found in the hand - Nidoran was KO'd.

Note that Player A is a WAY better player as the one who won.

So you got any wacky ko's?
Ok, I've got one...

Well, during BR's, I-

Start off with Chimchar + Candy + Infernape + DRE + 90 to Shiftry ex cg + 4 Pluspower +1 Strength chamr FTW!
Totodile (+1x Water Energy) (UFO)
PETM: Got out Gatr Ex
Drew Water Energy
Candy-Gatr Ex
Put Water Energy on Gatr ex
Put Water energy on to Gater ex.
Used Gatr (it's 1st attack)
Used it's 4th & won the game.
Well, someone popping 4 Pluspowers for a T1 50 last season to donk me was pretty bad (I had nothing first turn).

Arcanine out.
ok my oppent started the game and only had one chimchar out. my turn i get a krabby with 2 plus powers and i attack him for 20 damage and use the 2 plus powers and chimchars weakness = 50 damage!! krabby FTW
Facing Mewtric, I had a Nidran d facing a Mew EX, she pops down a Groundon EX and Hits my 40HP nidoran for 200 damage. Poor little Nidoran...
This idiot drew at my league hit my chingling with flyong ex d with lake boundary for 180. Poor cute little chingling
RS, me using Delcatty + Garchomp...T1 (I go second) Skitty active, TVR discard fire energy, candy to Delcatty ex, Boost Energy, and 60 damage to his stupid Riolu :p (if only he got heads with Wild Kick :p)
T1 kill with Azelf w/ Plus powers Str charms with of course the other spirit legends in play
well empoiro turn 1 donk(riolu)
T2 venasaur 3 pluspower 1 boost 1 grass 1 strength charm 100 to a little chingling
well it happened yesterday

his ray ex d(with 40 dmg) kod my Skull Fossil.. I flipped 7 heads to ko it : )
Today (With Friends/Unlimited)

Gengar DP V Arcanine BS (10 HP) with Totally tricked out Delcatty on the bench and an Electrik with 4 counters on it (50 HP), I'm down two prizes to 1 I play Scramble and use Shadow Dance for two prizes. I know no THAT great but it was still funny
I was using Metanite, my opponent was using some fire deck. At the end of the game, I decided to do 210 damage to a little Ekans with Crush and Burn. A couple of weeks later, against the same person, I did 210 damage to an Arbok instead.
At a tourny I started with a riolu and my oppenit started with a magikarp (DP) I went first and got the flip to knock out the oppenit never even got a turn. Then next round I started with a riolu and my oppenit started with a skitty. I went first but missed my wildkick and she could not get any basics or energy so she ended her turn. I top deck a lucario and knock out the skitty in T2...she only got one turn. =D
Here's mine.. Remember the Rocket's Meowth of TRR? The attack Miraculous Comeback turned into disaster!! All my flips were tails.. KOing myself..
OK my friend and I where at a tournament and my friend won ageist rayquaza ex (dragon) with a taillow (Deoxys).
i've seen not 1 but 2 of them.

That happened when i was playing solo blissey against my friend which was using the 07 worlds deck which consist of empoleon and ape (he modified a bit though, and it's HP on).

for 2 times in a row, I t2's him with blissey. He looked at me with amazement!:cool:
My opponent had 2 Mew Ex LM and 1 Ninetales Ex in play, I won with Rayquaza*, I miss that card. :F
I was playing unlimited with BlastCune and my opponent was playing something with Salamence delta. I had no Suicune, so I sent a Blastoise out to damage my opponent's Salamence. Then he Koe'd the Blastoise and I sent out the FR Pidgey to Ko him due to his weakness.:)
My Active: Infernape with one [Fire] attached.
Opponent's active: Empoleon with no DMG
It's my turn, I use Meteor Punch with 4 PlusPowers and one Strenght Charm --> Flip 8 Heads = 240+ 50 = 290 Damage to lonely Empoleon, I win the Game!

(Opponent has taken 5 Prizes, I only 1 and KO his lonely Empoleon LOL!!!)