DPPt/HGSS The Ultimate Monotype Run

Just want to say, no I didn't quit, I've just been caught up with school and the Pokemon TCG, I will be working on chapter 3 A.S.A.P. I hope to have it up by Friday at latest, sorry for the inconvenience.
For those who are wondering, the last chapter I posted is not finished. It's still a work in progress. I haven't quit my monotype run, just got caught up with some other stuff. I do intend to come back and continue at some point, just need to find the right time to do that.
I haven't had time to write chapters, and I lack the writing creativity for it at the moment, so for now I will be doing outlines/summarizations of my game play and later on I may write chapters for my story. Expect a bunch of summarizations of my journeys within the next few days.
Well, it looks like the beginning to my monotype run is over, as my Yellow ROM decided to erase my game. Great ><
Meh, it happens from time to time with game cartridges as they get older. I've tried nuzlockes, solo runs, and monotype runs. I think the next challenge is gonna be a scramble. Question is, though, which game should I do it on?
Scramble on HG/SS sounds like a nifty idea. *gathers rules for a scramble and does research*