BW/BW2 The Trade Now Thread

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Offering a pikachu-colured-pichu event for something you offer! PM me the offer and ill let you know if i want it.

(U.S.) Event Pokemon, i have 2!
Hey people. I have Flawless IVs Ditto up-for trade. I'm looking for My Pokemon Ranch Golugo's Octillery and Yukina's Meowth. They both must be legit and UT.
Hey I was wondering if anyone had a LEGIT Chikorita, cydaquil, or Tododile, i have good pokemon to trade for it because a friend of mine gave me gamesharked pokemon i have no desire in. I have Latios, Latias, and Kyogre all lvl 100 - ot/Seth. I need them legit or egg form.
Could someone do a trade and trade back of a Manaphy? I need it to be seen to get the national dex. Thanks Use my Platinum FC. Thanks.:)
Thank god I noticed this thread before I made a Player thread.

The only thing I'm looking for is either (1)a male Extreme Speed Dratini (though I suppose a male Dragonair or Dragonite would work, but pf) or (2) an Extreme Speed Dratini egg.

Could care less about level, EVs, IVs, natures, or any other moves.
You see, I plan on trading over the Dratini/Egg over to HG/SS and then breed/hatch it so I can start training it up earlier rather then Dragon's Den.

Uh, can offer like most anything, just PM me if you're interested.
I'll post my Platinum FC in the proper thread momentarily.
danio, i'm waiting on my Porygon-Z and Ditto to have an egg. Hold on to the Snorunt and when I get that egg, I'll PM you.
Grizzly said:
I'm looking for a Wobbuffet. Don't care about level, nature, IVs, EVs, any of that.

I'll give you one for free! :D I'll PM you my Pokemon HeartGold FC!
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