The One Below

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Well, no but if u count my cards u probably will count more than 15000 (5 booster boxes no. of cards)
V has created his / her own deck
Yes, I did go to one. I drafted two Arcanine ex.

The person below me drafted a Flygon ex at a EX Legend Maker prerelease this past Saturday and/or Sunday.
yes, I collect cards from Base Set, but missed 3 expansion...

V like to read novel
Yes. I would like to write my own novel series one day soon.

The person below me is at school.
Of course, cards like sneasel and slowking are powerful:p

V haven't finish Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince:D
I WOULD LOVE TOO if you're done making the deck could you send the card lists so i can make 1 too !! i've seen the cards and those combos are fierce!

\/ doesn't like the new legendary pokemons (kyogre, groudon, etc)
No, I love the Ruby, Sapphire and Emerald era legendary Pokémon. I am yet to join Team Kyogre, I am currently a member of Team Groudon and Team Rayquaza.

The person below me is a member of Team Dragonite.
Well, I would hope to join but I cant as I do not know how to get to 1 in Singapore
V does not like to go to school
Nope, Base, Fossil, Rocket, Neo Sets, Skyridge, EX: Dragon, EX: Unseen Forces, and EX: Delta Species bit let down by LM.

V likes to play Zatch Bell The Card Battle.
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