The Kirbymon Challange!! ( NEEDS LOTS OF HELP. PLEASE HELP ) WE ARE UP TO 81!!


Its Back and it hurts more than ever!
Hello and welcome to my Kirbymon challange!!!!!

I am trying to make EVERY pokemon a kirbymon!!!!!

I need every kirbymon spriter there.
Here is the way i am going to organize it all

RE: The Kirbymon Challange!!!!

i'll try to make some! INFERNAPE has alot of sprites already made. I'm decent at them same with Blade rush:p
RE: The Kirbymon Challange!!!!

I'll provide a few of my sprites... here are the ones I'm workin on: Rayquaza, Nosepass, All starters.
RE: The Kirbymon Challange!!!!

that sounds good everyone
so we are going to go in order, so just start posting them when you have the one next, start with bulbasaur
RE: The Kirbymon Challange!!!!

wow that is alot i will add them when it gets to that pokemon in the order. so first is Bulbasuar, now i need someone to make a Ivysaur Venusaur and so one, ok?
i will work on some to.
RE: The Kirbymon Challange!!!!

All 493 pokemon? Wow, that is some goal there. Personally, I'm not so good with Kirbymon, but you can check Infernape's contest for our work, don't forget to add ssb4ever's Magneton!:p
RE: The Kirbymon Challange!!!!

ok i updated it with the start of the starters and i still need a Ivysaur and so on.
RE: The Kirbymon Challange!!!!

I think you are the best KirbyPokemon spriter I have ever seen. I think you are better than ssb4ever.
RE: The Kirbymon Challange!!!!

there is a link to hoe to make kirbymons in my sig... post it here....

and no one is better thatn me... all of the kirbymons in the how to make K-Mon are ones i've made :p