The Hakurei Charity Stream - Competent Streamers Wanted!


Spell card! Love Sign ~ Master Spark!
Not sure how much attention this is going to garner here, or if it's even really suitable for posting on this particular forum... but hey, may as well give it a go. This is more of a "for your information" than an "everyone must apply" thing, since getting the word out is my main objective!

Over on NakaTeleeli's forum some of my friends and I have been organising a 168-hour long gaming stream to try and raise money for the Cancer Research charity. Most of the organisational kinks have been worked out, but the biggest thing we need right now are more streamers. And to let the word out in general, since we can't raise money if nobody knows what is going on! So basically, I would like to see if you guys would help support us and possibly even stream on the thing ^_^

The stream itself will run from August 7th till August 14th, starting at 12 noon (GMT timezone). The time is split into 2-hour bookable slots (consecutive slots can be booked). The timetable is available on the VE Forum (since the table format used isn't supported outside of zetaboards, I cannot paste it here too). We will be hosting on NGame, using this channel. Any generic streaming software that accepts rtmp links will be able to stream here, though the one we're going to be using most is XSplit. I will withhold the channel details for now until I see what sort of support this gets (just to prevent a random troll/bot from getting them and hijacking the stream), but for those who want to participate I will disclose them one way or another.

The general idea is for one person to do their stream time, then when they stop streaming the next person will start on the same channel. This bypasses any need for people to move between channels to switch hosts, which minimizes time lost and makes it easiest on the viewers to enjoy the show. Despite the name, Touhou is NOT the only thing we will be doing - any and all gaming will be good, so don't be put off please! Music players would also be welcomed, although this will probably be covered by Retro_Lad.

Now with this said, I have to put a slight "restriction" here... we're looking for enthusiastic people to participate in this, preferably those in touch with the whole LP scene so that we don't have people who don't know what they're doing taking up our time. We also could do without taking people who are really young into this, since there's way way too many issues with having 12 year-olds doing game playthroughs for the internet.

What I'm trying to say is please only "apply" to participate if you actually know what you are getting into, and know you are capable of entertaining what is likely to be quite a big audience. Quite frankly I will not be surprised if, with the amount of advertising I am getting round here in various forms, we have over 100 people watching our stream at any one time. Things are going to get hectic, and those without experience in this area are likely to be overwhelmed. That is, if you even get past the technical aspects of STARTING a stream.

I really, REALLY don't want to turn people away, but... the last thing we need is a bunch of technically incompetent people with ridiculously low-quality setups whose parents would never allow them to do such a thing if they knew it was going down. If you fit any of those categories... best to just watch rather than try to participate.

(Of course, not knowing how to use XSplit is not a crime - I am willing to try and help a bit there! But I expect people to be proficient at general screen recording and so on, the sort of thing you would do in a Let's Play.)

So with that all said... I know I don't exactly hold any influence over here anymore, but if some of you would be so kind as to help us out here I'd much appreciate it! Whether it be by participating in the stream itself, helping us advertise it, or just showing up sometime through it to watch some of our crazy antics, it'd all be welcomed!

Please leave a comment if you need any more information, or if you just want to be nice :p. If you want to talk about it, my Skype name is gamercal, so feel free to add me there if you want to discuss this further.