The game you have to have

Mr. Random

Gravitating away from you...
Title explains all. What game are you most anticipated to get in the near future? It all goes here.

For me, it would be Halo Reach, and I think I don't have to go over why.
Star Fox 64 3D. One of the best games of all time for a system that will probably be awesome <3
New 3ds games like Paper Mario, Mario Kart, Ocarina of Time. There is probably more I just can't think of any.
I'd havee to say paper mario 3DS... unless its a remake or a garbage version like the one on wii. If its one of those things, I'd probably point to Barbie's new horse adventure skyward sword... even though I know its not gonna be AMAZING.
I'm surprised nobody said this:

Pokemon: Black and White Version

ManhattanTheStarr said:
Ofc people are gonna say B/W. Isn't that why we're all here?
I suppose that is true, so if I said another game (not Pokemon), it would be...
Skyward Sword! It looks Amazing!!! It's going to be Awesome!!!
Ofc people are gonna say B/W. Isn't that why we're all here?
The game I HAVE to have is definitely L4D2. I don't even have an xbox, but I want it so bad. D:,
Ah...probably Star Fox 64 3D.

NO WAIT! Kirby's Epic Yarn. Forget Star Fox, I'll always be a Kirby fan!
Kirby Epic Yarn, Paper Mario 3DS, and The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword. Love the Kirby, Paper Mario, and Zelda series =D
Zero said:
I'd havee to say paper mario 3DS... unless its a remake or a garbage version like the one on wii. If its one of those things, I'd probably point to Barbie's new horse adventure skyward sword... even though I know its not gonna be AMAZING.
Why am I not surprised that you would say something so baseless about Skyward Sword? You most certainly do not know that, and can't possibly back that statement up D:<

Also, Paper Mario 3DS is in fact not a remake. REJOICE 8>

...I'd also disagree with you when you say Super Paper Mario was garbage. It was a great game in its own right, and you can't fairly compare the gameplay to the first two, so you can't fairly judge by that. So it comes down to whether or not you enjoyed it, not whether it's a good or bad game.

Anyhow, I can't wait for Skyward Sword, 'cause I know it's gonna be AMAZING :eek: Well, at this point I have good reason to assume it's going to be anyway ;D

Oh, but the more imminent game I'm looking forward to is Professor Layton and the Unwound Future. September 12th!