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PokeBeach's Yu-Gi-Oh enthusiast. I guess.
I start with a sentence. Then the nextperson changes ONE word of the sentence. You may change more than 1 word if it doesn't make sense. (In grammer.) Here's an example for the 2nd rule.
P1: Rather than trying to juggle rolling, penguin ate krill.
P2: Rather than trying to juggle balls, the penguin ate krill.

Get it? Let's start!
While the charizard flew in the air, he saw two legendary pokemon and his mom.
That doesn't count because you changed more than 1 word. You can only change more than 1 word if it doesn't make GRAMMICAL(is that a word?) sense! So, it doesn't count.
I don't think you guys understand. You have to change ONE word, and cute-mew, didn't you read my last post? IT DOESN'T COUNT. We have to start with the first sentence, "While the charizard flew in the air, he saw two legendary pokemon and his mom."
While the charizard flew in the air, he saw two legendary pokemon and his dad.
While the tortoise farted in the air, he saw two legendary pokemon and his dad.:D

Arcanine out.

ps sorry but i thought it was really funny:p!
lol Too funny!
Even MORE funny...
While the Aggron flew in the air, he saw two barfing pokemon on his wife.
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