Team Twilight - The Elite Double Battling Community

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Silhouette Gloom of the Sundown Lands
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What is Team Twilight, and why should I care?

Team Twilight is your neighborhood friendly doubles clan. We pride ourselves on 2v2 (read as: 6v6 doubles style). Doubles is a metagame that is largely ignored by the competitive community, but we care for and cherish it and give it the love it deserves. Nintendo-sanctioned tournaments have shed some light on doubles, but official tournaments don't do the magic of doubles justice. There's so much more strategy and fun involved when you get to use your whole team and a ban list exists that actually makes real sense (as in we ban Kyogre, not Celebi who is weak to everything in the game).

The why you should care part is simple. You came into this thread because you like doubles. We are all for getting people involved in the world of 2v2, and I invite all of you--even if you don't know a lick about doubles and you'd like to learn--to stop in and have a cup of your favorite beverage and chat with us.

VGC junkies, fear not: while the rules for VGC may make more serious players rofl, we accept that VGC doubles is still doubles and as such will welcome any players seeking to improve their VGC teams. That said, we hope that you have an interest in 6v6 doubles, because that's where the fun really lies.

We do not have a specific server used for double battling; however, you are more than welcome to use PokeBeach's own Pokemon Online server (or any one you guys can connect to, we're not picky).

Rules (cause you gots to haves 'em)

- PB rules at all times
- Don't be a jerk

That's pretty much it...

Oh yeah, we should be doing gen 5 so we can establish a solid gen 5 metagame. But we're not gonna care if you wanna play some gen 4.


Want to join? Just PM me the following information:

- How long have you been playing Pokemon? (main series only)
- How long have you been interested in doubles?
- Do you have a favorite doubles strategy? If so, what?
- List your friend code and don't forget the game it's for. You may list multiples.

Honorary Members - These guys are old school Twilight crew.
Heavenly Spoon :F

Twilight King - Clan leader

For the purposes of having one (and bacon isn't active), I am leader of this clan:

PMJ said:
- How long have you been playing Pokemon? (main series only): Blue version for life
- How long have you been interested in doubles?: Around the start of gen 4
- Do you have a favorite doubles strategy? If so, what?: Hailwind, Trick Room
- List your friend code and don't forget the game it's for. You may list multiples: (Black fc coming soon)

Members - Y'all
Phenomenon said:
- How long have you been playing Pokemon? (main series only): Since Gen 1.
- How long have you been interested in doubles?: For since a few weeks before Black/White became real.
- Do you have a favorite doubles strategy? If so, what?: Nope, none.
- List your friend code and don't forget the game it's for. You may list multiples: Name: Brandon - Code: 2880-8897-3767 - Game: Black.
mlouden3 said:
- How long have you been playing Pokemon? (main series only): Since Blue
- How long have you been interested in doubles?: Gen 3
- Do you have a favorite doubles strategy? If so, what?: Though banned competitively, Mew and Gengar, Mew uses explosion, pretty much overall using my teams abilities/types to compliment each other. (EQ w gengar out/flier out etc)
- List your friend code and don't forget the game it's for. You may list multiples.

Main one:
Pokemon Diamond Friend Code: 2322 1906 7183
Blastagator said:
- How long have you been playing Pokemon? Since Ruby and Sapphire
- How long have you been interested in doubles? Since I started
- Do you have a favorite doubles strategy? If so, what? My favorite doubles strategy is Kyogre/Mewtwo on Soul Silver.
- List your friend code and don't forget the game it's for. Tristan -2580-2692-7272- Black
Current topic: N/A Let's see some joins.
So hey, all you nay-sayers, I GOT SOMEONE TO JOIN (well I didn't get him to, he joined of his own accord, I swear) SO NYAH.

So, new guy, heard you like you some doubles. Have you ever played gen 4 doubles? That's when I really got into it. Haven't played gen 5 doubles at all actually, lol.

Two people zomgozmgozmgogm
Nope, never played gen 4 doubles, well, other than a few with my brother.
Ehem, excuse my double (battle) post, but it seems as if we are lacking activity. Not ok.

Post guys!
Dear Team Jacob Twilight,
I just finished my application and was about to hit send when I realized I don't know the first thing about competitive battling. I still kinda want to join though. I mean, it's PMJ's group. Oh and video games or whatever. Is there any way I can get in to the competitive VG through doubles? (even if it is just doubles)
Educate me or destroy me for being a n00b please.
Forever Yours,
Why am I not an Honorary Member? :(

Either way, I'm glad to see this back up some sort of format. Perhaps more emphasis on VGC?
Dear Team Jacob Twilight,
I just finished my application and was about to hit send when I realized I don't know the first thing about competitive battling. I still kinda want to join though. I mean, it's PMJ's group. Oh and video games or whatever. Is there any way I can get in to the competitive VG through doubles? (even if it is just doubles)
Educate me or destroy me for being a n00b please.
Forever Yours,


Just because it is "PMJ's group" does not mean that it is amazing. But it is though.
I don't know when we have ever put an emphasis on VGC. Even if the rules are stupid, VGC is still doubles. I don't play VGC so I can't really give team fixes or what have you, but I can give people a general idea on glaring weaknesses, strategies (kind of, not having 2 Pokemon is REALLY DUMB), etc.
Everyone welcome Blastagator.

Slowly we will build ourselves up!
It's kind of a shame that no one really is into this. Back in the day we were really active. That said, most of the Twilight crew I know has either lost interest in Pokemon, Pokebeach, has been too busy for Pokemon, or some combination of all three.

Maybe when school ends, we'll get some more people...
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