Team Awesome


Aspiring Trainer
^That's right, I changed the name. This right here is my first attempt at a competetive team. My goal was to have some synergy. I don't expect it to be great. I appreciate all suggestions.
Team at a glance:

A closer look:


Tina U-Turner(Kojondo) @Life Orb
Nature: Adamant/Jolly
Ability: Regeneration
EVs: 252 ATK/252 SPE/ 4 HP
~Fake Out
~Brick Break
~Stone Edge
Description: I love this Pokemon. she has to be the greatest scout/U-Turner of all time thanks to her ability. I choose LO with this because the switch out heal negates the HP loss. I choose BB over Hi Jump Kick because it is more accurate and can smash through screens. I originally considered a Choice Band/Scarf until I remembered about Chandelock.

Ability: Sturdy
Nature: Impish
EVs: 252 Atk/252 DEF/4 SPD
~Brave Bird
Description: Just your average Hazard set-up here.

Chandelaze(Shandera) @ Balloon
Ability: Flash Fire
Nature: Modest
EVs: 252 SPA/129 DEF/129 SPD
~Flamethrower/Fire Blast
~Shadow Ball
~Hidden Power Fighting
Description: I choose these EVs to max out its sky-high Special Attack while still trying to give it some bulkiness. I choose this Pokemon for my team for two reasons: To absorb fire attacks aimed at Skar and to Spin Block. I expect my opponent to switch in a Pokemon with a Special Fire type attack on Skar so I'll switch out to my Shandera to sponge up the attack with Flash Fire and then procede to sweep my opponent's team.

Donnie Darko(Donphan)@Leftovers
Ability: Sturdy
Nature: Adamant
EVs:252 ATK/252 HP/4 SPD
~Rapid Spin
~Ice Shard
~Stealth Rock
Description: Pretty much your basic Rapid Spiner set. Also functions as a hazard set-up

dmaster(Gyarados) @Life Orb
Ability: Encourage/Over Confident/ whatever it's called now
Nature: Jolly
EVs: 252 ATK/252 SPE/4 DEF
~Ice Fang
~Dragon Dance
Description: Your standard DDancer, but with the added Encourage/LO boost Gyarados is now Uber-Pwnage.


Spike(Jolteon) @Balloon
Ability: Volt Absorb
Nature: Modest
EVs: 252 SPA/252 SPE/4 SPD
~Charge Beam
~Hidden Power Grass
~Shadow Ball
Description: I wasn't sure whether or not to have HP Grass or Baton Pass, so I'll need your opinion on that. This Jolteon works pretty much the same way with Gyarados as Shandera and Skarmory work together. Gyarados will attract Electric attacks so i'll switch in my trusty Eeveelution to absorb it.

That's about it. Tell me what you think. I also noticed that each item I have on my team is used twice.
RE: Team What Is This I Don't Even(fifth generation OU)

A better EV set for Skarmory would be 252 HP/252 Def/4 SpD. Brave Bird is your only attacking move, plus Skarmory is playing a support role, so 252 attack EVs are really unnecessary.

Secondly, Roost > Stealth Rock on Skarmory. Skarmory needs healing to do it's job properly. Stick Stealth Rock on Donphan instead, over Assurance or Ice Shard (preferably Assurance, Ice Shard keeps more stuff in check).

Hidden Power Fighting would be a better option than Energy Ball on Shandera. Fighting/Ghost gives perfect neutral coverage, and now you're not totally defenseless against Heatran.
RE: Team What Is This I Don't Even(fifth generation OU)

I'll make the moveset edits now, but would 252 DEF/252 SPD/4 ATK, be better or worse then your suggestion?
RE: Team What Is This I Don't Even(fifth generation OU)

I agree with you about kojondo. It has to be one of the most awesome yet underused pokemon in the 5th gen (at least it has it better than furiijio). I would suggest fast guard over stone edge in case the foe has a faster lead that knows fake out such as weavile or infernape.
I would really recommend HJK over Brick Break on Kojondo, primarily because the nearly double boost in power of Brick Break is worth the recoil, and screens won't be something leads do, specially since you can just switch out and heal back to full. Jolteon does not need both Charge Beam AND Thunderbolt, pick one or the other. Your team looks Starmie weak, but Jolteon can kinda counter her, if she is dumb enough to stay in =P All in all, a special wall may be in order, but it looks solid. 7/10
Theres just something about this team that dosen't exactly feel right. But whatever.

Changing to a Support Shandera can help you a bit more against phycical threats. This mainly lures in some offencive Pokemon like Ononokusus, and burn it. Second I suggest using a bit more bulky of a spread on Gyarados. Roobushin can do a pretty large amount to your team with it's boosted Drain Punches and other toys.

A pretty big change which you can just consider is using a Nattorei over Skarmory. Use Nattorei as lead and switch to ScarfChomp over Donphan. In place of where Skarm used to be you could use any sweeper of your choice. I would try Sazandora out though as it gives you a dark and ghost resist.

If you DON'T want to change Skarmory you could try Rotom-W over your current Jolteon. It can help with bulky waters and Heatran a bit more. It also can counter Starmie and Heatran quite well.

Good Luck!
^With all those Pokemon changes I could practically make a whole new team. Would you mind posting a "support Shandera" set for me?
@Ilidor, She isn't exactly a lead, mostly to scout and annoy my opponent.
I'm allowed to double post on my own RMT, right?
I've been trying out Dory over Donphan. I'd like to know who you think is better.
Dorphan is your best if you're looking for a classic Spinner.

Also, not to be rude but Standard CM Kerudio destroys half of your team.

Dorphan = Hydro Pump
Shandera = After 1 Calm Mind from Kerudio Shandera's attacks aren't going to do that much. It will Hydro Pump you outta it's way
Gyarados = Nearly all people run Hidden Power Electric on Kerudio to go pass Gyara, one HP and boom! Bye Gyara

Of course Skarmory can Brave Bird Kerudio. Which OHKO it. However normally Kerudio is faster than Skarmory and a unboosted Hydro Pump has a 67% chance of destroying Skarmory.

Try adding a Kerudio counter. That water ghost Pokemon works well although it can't do much with Calm Mind. Also, Rankurusu with Psychic and Lati@s combo works amazingly well.
I haven't run into a single Kuludio yet but from what I've heard Jolteon is a pretty good counter. I've noticed with this team that Swampert and Gastrodon were giving my loads of trouble so I changed Stone Edge on Kojondo for Grass Knot.
I feel that Dory and Don are about on the same level. They are both Rapid Spinners, while Dory can act as a good SS counter, Don can set up SR.
I've looked into it, and I can't find any big holes in your team, as of yet.
I feel that Rotom and Jirachi could hurt this team somewhat, if they were boosted by Calm Mind and the like. Tell me if I'm absolutely wrong.
Not really. I use Jolt to absorb electric type attacks and then fire off hp Ice on lawn motor and T-Bolt on Rotom-W. Trick Jirachi can be a pain, but a nice flamethrower or EQ can OHKO it.
Double post all the way across the sky....
I noticed that using Will-o-Wisp and Charge Beam wasn't as useful as I expected so I'm trying out Energy Ball and Volt Change respectively. My attempt at a bulky Shandera sounded nice in theory, but it wasn't as usefull so I maxed out speed and invested the leftovers in HP. I also mistook Gyarados's Dream World ability for Encourage so I changed it back to Intimidate and that has been more useful. I changed EQ on Gyarados for Dragon Tail and have had much more sucess with that. My attempt at Grass Knot for Kojondo failed with Jolly so I an torn between going back to Stone Edge or trying out both Brick Break and Drain Punch. I appreciate any comments about my changes.
EDIT: I will try PDC's advice and go with Natty over Skarmory. While I'm at it I'll exchange WOW for EB again. I may try Donphan back in if Fighting types become too rampant on my team.
Triple post....
Donphan and Nattorei work better than Skarmory and Dory. I tryed Dory and Natty together, but of course Fighting types became a problem. I wanted to have a supereffective move against Fighting, so I changed WOW on Shandera for Psychic. I'm still taking suggestions.