tcg future? pokemon tcg+wii?etc.


Aspiring Trainer
the other day i was just thinking about the dp series possibly coming to a end soon (at least in japan) and was wondering what will be next ! what do you guys think the next series will be like ? will pokemon lv.x return or will a brand new type of pokemon card take its place? what are your thoughts and wants for pokemon tcg future?

my thoughts & wants:
1) i personally like lv.x but wouldnt mind a new type of pokemon card .
2) would definetly like the return of star/shinning pokemon completly redesigned .
3) think it would be intresting if they could make some type of interactivity between the wii and pokemon tcg to bring the cards to life (not literally) like how they did with the eye of judgement on the ps3 .

now your thoughts ...
a Team Galactic set would make sence , but what after that ! with dp as a main header for the series they are forced to make sets that revolve mainly around dp pokemon , so it kind of makes sense to end it soon so that we dont have to see the same pokemon over and over again as lv.x's . i really wouldnt mind them changing anything , the only thing they have to do is drop the dp header and replace it with something else .
blueboy6969 said:
sinnoh gym heroes would be great.
also, they should do a new tcg game on DS or Wii, i loved that game

Both of those and a Team Galactic set would be awesome. TCG game with Wi-Fi would rock.
i would really love a tcg with interactivity with the wii (wifi!). would be awsome if they made it like the eye of judgement (as i said before ) with a special wireless scanning camera so that as you place the card on the playing mat a digital version of the card would appear on screen . then when the card apears , it would be awsome if the pokemon would start pulling itself out of the card and go into a 3D arena . then with a built in microphone on the camera you would become your own custom "mii" type trainer and command with your very own voice the pokemon on screen . i imagine it Similar to pokemon battle revolution but with more strategy. of cource it would have to be alot like the eye of judgement (ps3 game) where you would still have to buy the cards (or probably nintendo wouldnt even bother doing it!), poeple would probably stop buying cards and just play with the digital ones , and then nintendo would lose alot of money.
A bunch of random team sets would be amazing. "Go-rock pokemon" "Team Mirror's furry"
"Team rocket returns again". With the latter of which having something to do with a team rocket based plot in the next regular pokemon video game. (such as a "platinum" version)