Ruling T-tar ex


Mewtwo's best friend
When you evolve does it get rid off the shockwave marker because ifso i think this card can be amazing?
Compendium said:
Q. What ways can a Pokémon get rid of an attached "Imprison" marker or "Shock-wave" marker?
A. Evolving, devolving, leveling up (i.e. LV.X), leaving play, and Tropius' "Tropical Heal" Poké-POWER are currently the only ways to get rid of an Imprison or Shock-wave Marker. Retreating or benching does NOT get rid of the marker. (May 31, 2007 PUI Rules Team)
huh Magic are you saying that they stay on apart from tropius when you lay it or???
It's true tho, noone plays Tropius anymore...even though they should again, in just a few weeks Gardy will show em. :) Yesh...
Anywayz. I suppose it's kinda hard to ever play with your deck again, if one of those markers is stuck between your evolution lines and you have to go trough the deck check.