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Swampert the Boxer


Blackbird singing in the dead of night
Hey all, its been a while since I have been on here, and I just built a new deck, so I wanted some feedback. Here goes:

3-2-1 Swampert (SV)
3-2 Bibarel (SF)
4 Aerodactyl GL (RR)
4-3 Peliper (PL AR) (1x cont. crush, 3x wing attack)

Total: 22 Pokemon

10 Water
10 Fighting

Total: 20 Energy


1 Energy restore
2 Switch
1 Pokemon Comm
1 Flower Shop Lady
4 Life Herb
2 Technical Machine TS-01 Evoluter
2 Cynthia's Feelings
2 Rare Candies
2 Emcee's Chatter

Total: 18 Trainers

My strategy is to pretty much get out the Bibarel(s) or the Swampert. I really like the Bibarel since 2 energy will do 60 damage, and the Swampert has the ability to do some major damage with {F} energy. The Aerodactyls are in there because of a) draw power, and b) the effect of not being able to evolve the defending pokemon. Any and all feedback other than "great deck" or "that is horrible" is welcome. Thanks :D
That is a good idea, seeing as how you need no energy to use drought, but I don't necessarily like the damage to my own bench, and the 3 retreat cost. There are ways around that though...I'll look into that.

Does anyone else have any ideas??
you dont need to attack with groudon just to get energy on the pokemon, also you have to many energy 20 is WAY to much.
A couple of things:

1) NEVER run a pyramid line (i.e 3-2-1. 4-3-2, etc.)
you want to have the best chance to get out you main attacker, so change it to 3-3-3 swampert, and 3-3 Pelipper

2)Try to have a deck focus around a main card, not scattered, like this one, so: - 3-3 Pelipper, and - 3-2 Bibarel

3) use the most constant drawpower you can, Aerodactyl is pretty drab, Uxie from LA is the best drawpower currently in the format.

4) 20 energy is WAY too much. at most you should run 14

5)use the staple draw/search cards: pokemon collector, pokemon communication, bebes search, Professor Oak's new theory etc.

6) have either a main goal of the deck (spread, lock, snipe, dissruption, lock, beatdown, donk, speed) a main combo, or a main attack.

Hope this helped