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Swampert / Slurpuff


Frontier Brain
4x Mudkip PLC
2x Marshtomp PLC
4x Swampert PLC
2x Swirlix PHF
2x Slurpuff PHF

4x Professor Sycamore
4x N
2x Lysandre
2x Skyla
2x Colress
2x Archie's Ace In the Hole

4x Dive Ball
4x Rare Candy
1x Scramble Switch
2x Rough Seas
4x EXP Share
3x VS Seeker

2x Double Colorless
10x Water

Set up a Swampert and use it to attack and use it's ability to get a card and then draw it with Slurpuff.
DCE doesnt work with exp share(incase u have a swampert with 1 water and 1 dce and 2 exp shares in ur bench for example) and u already have alpha growth to speed up things, so i dont think that dce would be a surprise elemento and not even useful.
-2 dce
+1 water energy
+1 weaknes policy maybe(it would be good vs virgens or they would eat u alive)
-1 exp share (u dont need that much in this deck that has alpha growth acceleration) and with this tool retriever u will need 4 exps even less)
+1 tool retriever(so u can rearrange ur tools, for example return exp share that is now in ur active pokemon so u can put it in a benched swampert and maybe put a weaknes policy )
And i would also maybe test:
-1 exp share
+1 muscle band( with this attached ur swampert will kill 140 and 150 hp pkms with 3 energies and 170 hp exs with 4 and since u have 2 skylas, tool retriever and also the swampert ability this variety of tools can work well)
This way with skylas and swampert ability u can get the tool u need at the right time and with tool retriever u can get them back and rearrange them and even dont let ur oponente kill a pokemon that is with a tool and lose it.