Supplies for those developing fangames.

Crazy Weavile

I'm back!
I'm sick of seeing fangames with absolutely NO development, no art, horrid maps, etc. Why? They, at least subconciously, don't think they'll finish, and don't use enough effort. As a result, we've got a bunch of newbie games here which will never get finished.

It's time to fix this.

Here, I'm going to show you everything you need but don't have... then give it to you.

1: RPG Maker XP OR Python: Two powerful RPG creators which get you off to a good start. You'll still require a start on the custom systems, though...
RPG Maker XP: Here
Sphere: Here

2: I'm assuming you want more than a Final Fantasy ripoff called Pokemon, though. Therefore, you should start with Blizzy's Starter Kit- while it doesn't do all the work for you, it gets you to a good start. I have no file uploader and it's masive, you'll have to Google this one unless someone here would be so kind as to upload it.

3: A team... you can't do everything alone.