Stupid things you have done

SheimiGiratina said:
Your grandmother was aiming for the lizard(yeah, right). I think she was hitting you because you HAD the lizard in your hand.

Wow, that must've hurt.

I was riding my bike once, and I made to sharp of a turn, crashed into a rock,(I was going REALLY fast) and flew into a pond.

No, I bet she was aiming for the lizard:p

Lols, at least you didn't land on the ground and kill yourself.:)
Oh, bike accidents. :p

Once, I was riding away from some dogs that wanted very badly to kill me, and I was going like...30-40 MPH on my BIKE, and I hit a rock, then I lost control and hit a gate. My bike was really dented up and I flew like...7 yards and landed in an anthill. =/
Once When I was a work I was thinking about something else in my mind and I called the customer a computer

I tried to drive my new tractor today, and I kicked it into first gear, then I just took off and popped a wheelie. :/

Gosh, how the heck did I do that?
I don't do stupid things :p

I'll contribute on my freinds behalf, however. We were about 8, and my friend saw something on TV that said if you put blue food clolouring in milk and drink it, it can turn your poo blue.

He tried it, and drank a whole cup.

He had a blue tounge for 2 weeks, and bad stomahce problems.

THats not the worst of it.

Albert Einstein said:
The definition of Insanity is doing the saem thing twice, anticipating a different result

He tried again two weeks later.
Another thing I did was I took a container of coffee creamer put in a glass of water and drank it.

I also put a toy in reach of my partially violent friend(he hurt his hand smashing it).
I accidentally headbutted my science teacher before, boy did I get a beating that day.

Once I was on a ride at an emusment park...and I had gum in my mouth...we go WAY up and UP and UP to the top then we drop real fast my gum shots back andI choke...:p Due to Altitude and being high is harder to breath, then the gum...not a good combination. :p
I once went on a field trip to an amusement park back in 6th grade....ended up losing $30 of my parents' money...and then tried to lie about it.

Got grounded for a week...
I had my hamster in the little hamster ball, but we were outside. I was messing with my friend and accidentally kicked the ball down the drive way and into the street....
I felt bad, the poor hamster was all paranoid.
That's what happened to my cousins gerbil, his wasn't so lucky.
I got some kind of explosive plastic, and I started whacking it with a hammer still in the box. I finally took out a 30 pound sledgehammer after they didn't explode, and the box caught on fire, and...well...let's just say I'm having trouble typing with one hand right now. :O
Lols, you always hurt yourself WR:p

Last new years I had gotten into a box and my cousin decided to put Black cats and a Stink bomb in there.
Wow, I smelt like fart that night and I still have scars from the burns.
I do too, its just so funny. Like when you fall down the stairs. It hurts but it is heck of a lot funny.
I know, one time my friend was over and we were playing tennis in the yard. I hit the ball on his forehead and he fell over laughing.