Strange Team Help


Aspiring Trainer
Well, My friends and I play Pokemon TCG a little strange. We play with 5 cards in a "deck" with no evolution, no trainers, no energy, as many of *s as you want, but no duplicates of any card. Kinda dumb, but... Well, this is my team right now.
Groudon EX (Tin promo)
Dustox EX (Legend Maker)
Gardy EX Delta (Dragon Frontiers)
Ninetails EX (Not Entirely Sure)
Salamence EX Delta (Dragon Frontiers

So. I wouls like to know if this is decent or not, and i would also like some suggestions to improve it. Thanks! (First Post!)
Hmmm, do you apply the rule wherein if you have no more cards in your deck, you lose? How many cards do you get in your first hand? If you do apply, the 0 deck defeat rule, then you should put unown z. If not, put Salamence EX PK, for raw power. Welcome to pokebeach by the way, I'm Palmer, nice to meet you!:D You'll have a great time here at pokebeach, I assure you.
Thanks! No,we start with our entire deck in our hand because it's only 5 cards. Wow! That is one strong Salamence! I don't have it though. Any other suggestions?
You oughtta check in with Lugia Ex (Unseen Forces). 200 damage. Good game.
Or Charizard Ex (FireRed LeafGreen). 200 damage as well.