Ruling Steelix (DPSF)

Johnny Phantom

The box sign boy!
Hello! I have a question: If my Active Steelix have 5 energies and use it's Outbreak Power attack, and my opponent have only 2 Pokémon on his/her side. May I choose a Pokémon more than once, and it will take accumulated damage??
Nope. It says right on the card "No matter how many times you pick a pokemon, this attack does only 20 damage to it". So you could hit less pokemon then the amount of energy attached, but you can't add more then 20 to those pokemon.
Steelix does not have written what you said, but I guess that it can only hit each Pokémon once, anyway.
Whoops, thought it had the same wording as marowak d (as its the same attack). The way its worded still prevents you from doing more then 20 damage though.
Foxtrot said:
Nope. It says right on the card "No matter how many times you pick a pokemon, this attack does only 20 damage to it". So you could hit less pokemon then the amount of energy attached, but you can't add more then 20 to those pokemon.

You also could be thinking of the spoiler for Steelix, in which it used the same text. ;)

But yes, they are correct, you can only deal 20 to each Pokemon once, no matter how few Pokemon they have, or how many Energy you have on Steelix.