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Standard Standard Water Deck


Aspiring Trainer
Hello guys

I'm new to the TCGO game (although not new to TCG at all), but I'm having difficulties facing some standard decks that are way too strong for me to beat (I imagine that this happens because I don't have enough strong cards yet).
That being said, I've managed to build an OK water deck, but would like to know a way to enhance it, if you guys could help =D

2 - Horsea
2 - Seadra
1 - Kingdra
1 - Talonflame
1 - Dragonite-EX
2 - Alolan Sandshrew
2 - Alolan Sandslash
3 - Alolan Vulpix
2 - Alolan Ninetales

3 - Ultra Ball
2 - Energy Retrieval
1 - Enhanced Hammer
2 - Crushing Hammer
1 - Professor's Letter
2 - Prof. Kukui
1 - Prof. Sycamore
2 - Pokémon Center Lady
1 - Wally
4 - N
1 - Sophocles
1 - Guzma
4 - Choice Band
1 - Max Elixir
1 - Nest Ball
1 - Lillie

3 - Double Colorless
11 - Water Energy
2 - Splash Energy

Thanks ;)
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The first thing I want to know is what is your main attacker? I understand Waterbox decks rely on different attackers in different situations, but they still have general attacker. The most competitive Waterbox deck I know would be like a Lapras GX deck, but I'm not sure if you have the cards to make it. You also have some Alolan Vulpixes and Ninetales though, so I can also see you making an Alolan Ninetales GX deck. I would personally recommend Alolan Ninetales GX because it is a great card, and it is a competitive deck. I have lists for either Lapras or Alolan Ninetales if you want to make those decks. In terms of changing up this list to make it better here are the changes I would make.

-1 Talonflame
-2 Energy Retrieval
-1 Enhanced Hammer
-1 Professor's Letter
-2 Professor Kukui
-2 Pokemon Center Lady
-1 Wally
-1 Sophocles
-1 Choice Band
-1 Max Elixir
-1 Nest Ball
-1 Water Energy

+1 Horsea
+1 Kingdra
+1 Dragonite EX
+2 Tapu Lele GX
+1 Ultra Ball
+3 Professor Sycamore
+2 Guzma
+2 Field Blower
+1 Rescue Stretcher
+1 Double Colorless Energy

A lot of these changes are very standard, and honestly don't really need explaining. You should focus on trying to attack with everything, but Dragonite EX should be your later game strategy. Dragonite is your best attacker, and you should kinda focus it. Fortunately Kingdra doesn't require to much energy. I hope this helps.