SSS: Shining Suicune's Sketches!

RE: Some art I drew...

Very good. I would love to see some more things that you have drawn, but on blank paper. I too love to draw. In fact, this weekend I might start a thread.
RE: Some art I drew...

squirtli said:
Very good. I would love to see some more things that you have drawn, but on blank paper.
Thanks! These are random sketches I do with whatever paper I have, so that's why it's lined. Plus, lined gives you a better depth perseption, IMO.
RE: Some art I drew...

Very nice drawing of the Violin Suicune. I play the violin and when I looked at that it looked just like mine. :p Good job and keep up the good work. :)
RE: Some art I drew...

Oh, I see. I have a lot of drawings on lined paper, because I draw during school. I can't wait to see some more drawings! Are you taking requests?
RE: Some art I drew...

starcharge said:
What's with the face in the backround?
The scanner saw through the paper at my random drawing, "Dave the bowling pin". It was supposed to be a self-portrait, but I can't draw people, so it turned into a bowling pin with a tie. >_>;
RE: Some art I drew...

lol, I was wondering what the face was! Are you taking requests, though?
RE: Some art I drew...

squirtli said:
Are you taking requests, though?
I think I'll take the first five that come in. So, yeah. And expect a 2-3-part update soon, I got some new drawings done during school today.
RE: Some art I drew...

Cool, could you draw a picture of one of my fusion sprites? I'll PM the sprite to you if you will.
RE: Some art I drew...

squirtli said:
Cool, could you draw a picture of one of my fusion sprites? I'll PM the sprite to you if you will.
Okay, but it may not be good. There are three things I suck at drawing:

Soon, you'll know what I mean. I'm uploading a drawing of a bird.
RE: Some art I drew...

Ehh... I'd still like to see you draw it =D
*squirtli goes to PM ShiningSuicune*
RE: SS;s art! Updated with bird!

It's feet are too far back. It looks like it's going to fall forward XD
RE: SS;s art! Updated with bird!

squirtli said:
It's feet are too far back. It looks like it's going to fall forward XD
See? My point exactly. That's why I never draw birds. x_X Oh, and good news. My mom's going to get the violin drawing framed.
RE: SS;s art! Updated with bird!

Cool! I'll start my thread once I can take pics of my drawings and upload them to the computer...
(No scanner = not good)
RE: SS;s art! Updated with bird!

These are all pretty good, but I know you're going to yell at me for this, but shading would make it 10x better. If you want to learn how to, I could try and teach you ;)
RE: SS;s art! Updated with bird!

Mimebread said:
These are all pretty good, but I know you're going to yell at me for this, but shading would make it 10x better. If you want to learn how to, I could try and teach you ;)
No, thanks, I know, how, but I prefer not too. Thanks though! ;p