Discussion Speed Dragonite EX Tank


Aspiring Trainer
Ok so this deck was born with the release of BREAKpoint. We got two key cards in this deck which are fighting fury belt and max elixir. I played with the idea to moderate success forgetting entirely about FFB until I watched OmniPokes Video on the deck. In case we don't know what Dragonite does here it is:
Dragonite 180 HP (Dragon Type)
Ability-Bust In
When you play Dragonite to bench you can move him to active and move any energy on the board to him if you want in any way you want.
(G)(G)(L) Jet Sonic 80+
You can discard an energy and do 40 more if you want
3 Retreat x2 fairy weakness

So basically you cycle dragonite by tanking hits with the fighting fury belt and then playing another to get the hurt one on bench and pick it up. You can get the hurt dragonite up several ways such as super scoop up, AZ, or Cassius then ultra ball for it next turn. You then rinse and repeat til you win. With Fury Belt we can avoid 1 shots which is our goal, heal and two shot anything basically aside from warlord. We can do 90 base with FFB to 2 shot EXs and discard once and regular once to take out most played megas. Max elixir speeds up energy process that is otherwise slow and can easily get a T1 Dragonite set up . Now I will post a list in a bit when I get home but I want to know this... where should I put the max elixir energy before I bust in. OmniPoke had the wise idea of regirock to keep hammers off of them and flare grunts while I was thinking maybe a wail it's with float stone. That way you can keep energy on board until Dragonite is ready to come in and cycle for 2 shots. Also since scoop up is limited resource and flippy we can use target whistle and a slightly higher Lysandre count than usual (2) to wreck shaymins for games. Please give feedback! Thanks! List up soon
That link is to OmniPokes video which can explain the strategy but I don't agree with his list completely
Sounds like an interesting deck. Though if there is garbodor, wobbuffet, or silent lab. This deck probably won't really do much.

Is there a secondary attack that you can use incas of the situation?
Sounds like an interesting deck. Though if there is garbodor, wobbuffet, or silent lab. This deck probably won't really do much.

Is there a secondary attack that you can use incas of the situation?
M Manetrics work well with the deck actually but I almost feel like theres no point in having him when you have a M Man out. It can one shot greninja though so that helps a lot, otherwise no point to use him really. Also I had one kinda weird, out there list so i changed it and stuff to make it better in theory but it got way worse and less consistent and i cant fix it lol it had less basic and a couple double draagon as well as hydreigon and sky fields and hoopa
I really liked this deck in expanded. Dragon call garchomp and cassius to easily recycle dragonite. With DDE, garchomp can also wreck things. Drop in altaria and it starts to get scary.
I really liked this deck in expanded. Dragon call garchomp and cassius to easily recycle dragonite. With DDE, garchomp can also wreck things. Drop in altaria and it starts to get scary.
yeah wish i couldve taken it for a spin this winter at regionals
Funny you are talking about this...
I just ran a variant of this deck at MD States and Placed 10th in the masters division (bubbled out of top cut)

I created a community blog post on this, but it hasn't been approved yet. Wait a few days and it might come out.