Something I noticed about HGSS...

houndoom dude

Why can't Legendaries just get along?
I was just looking at the all of the new HGSS cards as I am sure many of you have been doing recently and I noticed that there is not a single dark pokemon. This bothers me because I am a big dark player. Does anyone know anything about this?
This does seem a bit strange, espicially because that generation contained iconic dark pokemon such as Tyranitar, Houndoom, and Umbreon. I'm sure all three will be inlcuded, maybe as Greats, within the next 1-2 sets to come.
Since they came out with the special new energy, and Metal and Darkness energy were one of them, I'm pretty sure that they will be coming out. Maybe in the next HGSS set.
Note how there's no Metal either. They will likely be held back. The interesting thing is that several icons like Steelix, TTar and Houndoom are indeed amongst those and as such have good chances to be made "Great".
^ Yeah, i think that the whole next set will revolve around Dark/Metal, but i am very exited to see what they will do with the next pokemon LEGEND :D
^They might as well continue to recycle the old batch of Legends. Aka after Ho-oh and Lugia we get Celebi, then Kyogre-Groudon (and that other 1 I'm forgetting?).
Well see the next set may be more revolved around dark and steel, and it could contain some rocket pokemon. Not like SPs, just likee Rockets sneasel, which was still Sneasel, but rocket-ish. In any case, we can expect T-Tar to become great, and probably Umbreon+Espeon. And Steelix, and Kingdra, and others.