XY Soft Reset - Keep it or Lose it

Scattered mind

Competitive VG Forums Mod
Forum Mod
Hi everyone.
I am currently soft resetting for a competitive Raikou and I came across so many good Raikou by now (including a shiny one too bad it got really bad IV's) that it made me wonder how much perfectionists are you when it comes to soft reset for an ideal IV spread.
This is also a good place for anyone to ask if he should keep a certain Pokemon that he soft reseted for or lose it.
I think this is a very relevant topic right now with all those free legendaries in ORAS.
Most of them are at level 50 so a tiny tip for anyone who is soft resetting and is going to battle in the usual auto level 50 wifi battles: 30 IVs is the same as 31 IVs at level 50 if you don't invest in that stat any EV's.

As I said, I am currently soft resetting for a competitive Raikou and right now I found one with 31/x/31/31/31/31 IV's.. too bad it doesn't have HP Ice so.. TOSSED IT :0
Reggie McGigas said:
Why would you toss a 5iv and a shiny Raikou? Are you serious?

Because I need hp ice otherwise Raikou is pretty useless for competitive battles and Shiny Pokemon are nice and all but I prefer to actually use my Pokemon rather then keep it in the pc for ever.
I got a modest 31/31/x/31/31/31 Suicune trying to get a Bold one with passable IV's. Killed me to have to toss that semi-beauty
I've resetted a week (judging from the time difference in the save file and the activity log, at least 80 hours) for my Virizion.

I started previous monday just after midnight when it started showing up, and was stuck on that island till this monday ~1am

Now I didn't catch all of them, I used a speed-checker (a pokemon with 1 less speed than a perfect speed Virizion) so I didn't waste my time and had 1 IV perfect constantly.
After 3 days I could already tell if one had really awful IVs simple from how much damage it took and how much damage it was doing with it's attacks (yes I did take the variation into account)

Virizion is a tough one.. I couldn't Spore it due to it's Grass type, it heals itself with Giga Drain, and starts hitting hard after a few swords dances.
And I insisted on catching it with a specific aestheticly fitting pokeball that has the chance of a regular one.

I've seen some IVs... some resets were hard to do and I was sure I would regret them.

I was willing to accept one with the perfect IVs in the offenses x-31-x-31-x-31 as long as it had an Ice HP (meaning the first 2 x had to be even and the last one an uneven number) and as long as the sum of the 3 x wasn't below 48

Around Wednesday I caught one that finally had HP Ice while having perfect offenses...but the rest was just below my goal (18-31-12-31-25-31) so I figured I wouldn't take this one if Im already investing this much time into it.

But in general there must have been ~20 of ones that would have been more perfect than I was even hoping for...but with the wrong HP of course.
Due to the spreads I was checking, it was mostly Steel, Dragon and freaking Dark -.- (no idea why Dark got the all-odd combination)

The highest overall I had was a 31-31-31-31-29-31, but having Dark HP, I soft-resetted.

I also had a 31-24-24-31-31-31 Ice, but resetted that one as it's Atk wasn't good enough... another one had 25 sp.atk but rest almost flawless etc..

Anyway... my search finally ended a while ago when I got what I wanted:
28-31-30-31-31-31 - HP:Ice
Only improvement to ultimate perfection would be +2 in HP, but that's way more than I was aiming for, so of course I saved the game like 5 times like a paranoid person xD..


Other than that, I try to keep my ORAS legendary resetting quest down to 1 day per legendary...I'm certainly not gonna reset for HP anytime soon. lol

Current status: Cresselia (looking at a 31 / 29 / 0 / 31 / 31 / 31 right now, ew -.- /resets)
Pretty much my goal right there Mitja. I alrady got many spreads with hp Ice but because I know this is going to be my last sr for hidden power mon for a very long time, I dare to keep going for better one.

I feel your pain King Xerneas, Bold is the best nature Suicune can have but flawless with not that bad at all nature.. That must have been a hard toss..Still I would do the same
My current project is a Bold Latias (for a Mega Latias), but every time I've gotten only 3IVs. I'm starting to worry that I'll end up getting a shiny before I land one with decent IVs. On a more positve note I got a 4IV Bold Suicune (x/x/31/31/31/31) after a couple of hours SRing!
Mitja said:
Virizion is a tough one.. I couldn't Spore it due to it's Grass type, it heals itself with Giga Drain, and starts hitting hard after a few swords dances.
And I insisted on catching it with a specific aestheticly fitting pokeball that has the chance of a regular one.

Trevenant with Imprison and Giga Drain is immune to all Virizion's attacks and a perfect way to avoid damage/healing from Virizion so you can focus on catching it. (I often like to come up with counters before I catch specific Pokémon. :p)

As for soft resetting, I always try to get IV in the most important stats when it comes to legendary Pokémon in the new games. I generally settle with the 3 we get for sure and make sure they are given to stats I find most important. So far I haven't really put too much effort into it, but I guess that's also because I don't use legendary Pokémon much to battle. I put more time into Pokémon I plan to use competitively, and usually through breeding.

After many flawless non hp ice,
nearly good but not enough Raikous with hp ice and
3 shiny Raikou ( Whats up with that?? I don't have the shiny charm yet! ):
Enters my keeper:
IVs: 31 / 0 / 30 / 31 / 29 / 31
Hidden Power- Ice
Timid nature

I know 29 is not 31 but in level 50 battles that is just 1 point less in Raikou's SpD ( 119 instead of 120)
Still I had to keep it also thanks to that attack iv- Perfect against confusion and foul play users.
This hunt has been going on for a week and 2 days and now it is finally over.. Next target: Terrakion- ( but no hp ice lol )
I've been SRing for a Articuno in X. I just got one with perfect IVs in all defensive stats and calm nature. I want to use it as a wall and I'm not too much of a perfectionist so I was wondering: keep or toss?
I know how you feel. I was trying to get a competitve Raikou with HP ice as well and did managed to find one but its HP wasn't perfect as well as it's defense so I resetted hoping to get one with better stats (boy was I wrong...). After many hours of catching Raikou and SRing, I ended up settling with a Timid 5 iv Raikou with HP Dark because I felt that was the best I was going to get without losing my sanity.

I also tried getting a competitive Terrakion and Suicune and ended up with a Jolly Terrakion with the 3 perfect IVs in HP, Attack, and Defense, a 30 Speed IV and a crappy Special Defense IV. For the Suicune I managed to catch one Bold with 4 IVs in all of the important stats except speed which is its worst stat.

I really hope in the next game they buff up how Synchronize works maybe garunteed the wild pokemon to have the same nature and possibly give like a 50 percent chance of encountering a pokemon with the same IVs. That would make catching legendarys a hell of a lot easier!
Lugia123 said:
I've been SRing for a Articuno in X. I just got one with perfect IVs in all defensive stats and calm nature. I want to use it as a wall and I'm not too much of a perfectionist so I was wondering: keep or toss?

Not sure if you already kept it or not but what are its other iv's? Its really not that hard to get 4 perfect iv's now so I would toss it.
scattered mind said:
Lugia123 said:
I've been SRing for a Articuno in X. I just got one with perfect IVs in all defensive stats and calm nature. I want to use it as a wall and I'm not too much of a perfectionist so I was wondering: keep or toss?

Not sure if you already kept it or not but what are its other iv's? Its really not that hard to get 4 perfect iv's now so I would toss it.

Other Ivs are unknown. I would toss but I was expecting someone to trade with me soon so I saved and then they didn't manage to do it at the time we had planned so I'm stuck with it. Oh well I guess it could have been worse.
Lugia123 said:
scattered mind said:
Not sure if you already kept it or not but what are its other iv's? Its really not that hard to get 4 perfect iv's now so I would toss it.

Other Ivs are unknown. I would toss but I was expecting someone to trade with me soon so I saved and then they didn't manage to do it at the time we had planned so I'm stuck with it. Oh well I guess it could have been worse.

unknown...as in the iv judge doesn't mention them?
you can look at the stats though and estimate ;D

Especially when you're catching lv50 you can guess ivs from just looking at the stats, very precise.

Say you're resetting a lv50 legendary. After a few catches, you've seen how high all six stats can get, as the max stats keep showing up again and again due to 3 perfect ivs.
I'm resetting Giratina right now, and it's defense is 140 ~50% of the time.
Say I now have a Giratina that doesn't have perfect defense, but I'm happy with the other stats, and the defense is... 130 for example. That's 10 missing statpoints to maximum, which at level 50 equals to twice as much IVs (~20), so it's Def IV is roughly around ~11.
(Articuno is 70 I believe so the ratio isn't a simple x2 like with level 50 though)
If nature affects a stat, you gotta factor that in first though (say a boosted stat is 135 -> divide by 1.1 = ~123)
...but at that point, it's easier for most ppl to just use iv calculators in the first place xD

But if you've checked a legendarys stats several times, you get a feel for how much any of their stats vary, so you can at least guess if it's awful or close to perfect without calculating anything.
After a week and 2 days (again!) I found my Terrakion for the keep:
Jolly nature
30/31/31/x/31/31 IV's

Only bad thing is that I first tried to capture it with a Dusk ball but after one fail I said to myself " I am tired and need to go to sleep.. oh well I will just use a master ball what are the odds.."
( I don't really mind using Master balls since I can clone them any time)
This time I did not encounter any Shiny so I guess the 3 shiny Raikou encounters were really big luck..

This is the method I used:

I used Gardevoir as my sync and speed checker with 139 speed stat and Staraptor as my hp checker with 165 hp stat.
I first sent Gardevoir
Used Healing wish. If I went first - soft reset. If not then Gardevoir faints thanks to Healing wish giving me a free switch into Staraptor. Then Staraptor uses Final gambit. Staraptors hp is 165 so if Terrakion did not have 166 hp ( The stat Terrakion has at level 50 with 30-31 iv's) it will faint and I will soft reset. If Terrakion lives with 1 hp then that means I have to catch it. Staraptor faints thanks to Final gambit giving me again a free switch into Breloom. If I feel lucky I use spore and try to catch Terrakion with Dusk ball. If not then I just go with a Master ball.

Next Target : Heatran. But I need to take a break for a while..
Happy soft resetting everyone !