sinnoh tournement predictions


and you have to deal with it
whats gonna happen in the sinnoh tournement

will ash emerge victorious
will gible evolve
will every 1 exsplode
will a 5th gen pokemon come
will i stop asking so many questions
will piplup die after getting hit with a (FAIL) draco meteor

The Sinnoh League, eh?
Let's see. How many important Trainers are competing...
Ash, Paul, Barry, Nando, Conway and... that Trainer with a Legendary Pokémon or whatever...(I'm still guessing Buck just because he's awesome like that!)

Of these trainers, the least "important" ones are obviously Nando and Conway, so I'm expecting those to be the first to lose. Maybe Nando even loses TO Conway, to show off his new team and power!
I'm quite sure Ash'll battle Conway and Barry/Paul. The reason I don't think he'll be battling all three is because Barry has been wanting to battle Paul since the day we met him, and a battle between the two would really be quite spectacular.

Now, for the Legendary Pokémon Trainer, I guess he/she is the last in line, as many others have guessed before me.
Or maybe he/she isn't. Maybe they'll put him in the semifinals, with Paul or Barry being the opponent of the final round. I think I'd prefer that, yes. Especially if they surprised everybody by letting Barry win over Paul, delaying the final battle between Ash and Paul to... after the League, or something.

As for team changes throughout the League, I'm guessing Buizel evolves. Maybe Gible will evolve once, too. Two times in such a short time shouldn't happen. It mastering Draco Meteor will most likely happen, at least.

...And that's all the predictions I've done as of yet. I'll post more once I... predict more. x3
I don't think they would delay Ash vs Paul to be after the tournament. That would just be...wrong. I'm thinking we'll see Paul vs Barry, with Paul as the victor, and then Ash vs Paul. The other trainers I can't say because I've stopped caring for the anime at this point except for Ash's and Paul's rivalry.
Ash won't win. The only "tournament" he won was in the Orange Islands and that wasn't a tournament, it was just a 6 on 6 battle.

Ash will find a random Trainer, befriend him, then get his butt whooped by the same Trainer.
Barry will lose to Paul, Paul will lose to Ash. Ash will lose in the semis, I think.

Gible will master Draco Meteor, and maybe evolve. I'd love to see Buizel evolve mid-battle ala Krabby, but I doubt it.
Barry will make it to the finals. The winner will be a bit character introduced an episode or two before the tournament.

Paul will lose to Barry, Ash, or the aforementioned new character before Ash is eliminated.

Ash will likely make it to Top 16 or Top 8, I guess.
Ash probably won't win the tournament. He will probably lose after a battle with probably Barry or Paul, or a new kid he had met. Then he will say that his Pokemon did all their best and then they will move on with their lives.
So, it's Ash against Nando and Barry against Paul. Interesting stuff. I'll be rooting for Barry's Empoleon, but given that the only time Barry's ever beaten Ash was against a newly captured Gible, and Ash was beaten soundly by Paul, Barry's chances don't look good.

I think Ash will do that because of the speculations of Black and White series without Ash he will win this
Ash might win this, but IMO his chances of winning are slim. I won't be surprised if he wins the tourney. He has challenging rivals and it might be hard for him to battle other people especially Paul. Paul has won countless times against Ash.
Yeah, but never against Ash's current party, with both Infernape and Torterra fully evolved.

And Infernape with its blaze ability under control. Rawr.

And if the title card is any indication, he'll be using his old, strong battlers, like Donphan, Bayleef and Snorlax. Hopefully, anyway.