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Standard Silvally-GX / Genesect-EX


A Cat
****** Pokémon Trading Card Game Deck List ******

##Pokémon - 13

* 1 Kartana-GX
* 4 Type: Null
* 3 Silvally-GX
* 3 Genesect-EX FCO 64
* 2 Tapu Lele-GX GRI 60

##Trainer Cards - 31

* 4 Max Elixir BKP 102
* 1 Lusamine
* 3 Fighting Memory
* 3 Psychic Memory
* 2 Float Stone PLF 99
* 4 Professor Sycamore BKP 107
* 2 Pokémon Fan Club GEN 69
* 2 N PR-BLW BW100
* 3 Guzma BUS 115
* 1 Gladion
* 2 Acerola BUS 112
* 2 Rescue Stretcher GRI 130
* 2 Field Blower GRI 125

##Energy - 16

* 14 Metal Energy 8
* 2 Double Colorless Energy SUM 136

Total Cards - 60

****** Deck List Generated by the Pokémon TCG Online www.pokemon.com/TCGO ******

Simple Strategy, use Silvally plus memories or Genesect to hit 3 very important weaknesses, while silvally powers up genesect. Genesect is very good especially if you start it for keeping your memories intact in case you have to sycamore because you can just return them to your hand.
I think you forgot the ultra balls. To make space for them, I would take out 2 of both memories, because I don't think running that many memories is going to be viable. Fighting Memory hits Drampa, Darkrai, Zoroark and Raichu, Psychic Memory only really Espeon and Nihilego. So that would still be 6 dead cards in about 80% of the matchups (and in the rest it's 3 dead cards).

On top of that I don't think you need 2 Float Stones or 2 Acerolas, because Silvally already gives most of your pokemon free retreat and you don't have any special synergy, nor extremely tanky pokemon that would justify playing 2 Acerolas. I would add a Tapu Lele and 1-2 N.
Hi rainyman123,

I like the idea to pair Silvally GX with Metal Pokémon. I would change the deck a little to make it more consistent and faster. This is what I would use as a starting point:

Pokémon (14):
  • 2 Tapu Lele GX
  • 2 Genesect EX
  • 3 Silvally GX
  • 3 Type Null
  • 2 Registeel
  • 2 Cobalion

Registeel is a nice addition to the deck since he provides an additional form of energy acceleration and also is a decent non-Ex/non-GX attacker. Cobalion can be nice in the deck as a late-game cleaner with Revenge Blast. In addition a more differse team works better in this deck since it will be hard to swarm Genesect EX if you plan to discard all energies attached to him. The other two attackers now have comparable low attack costs and either help the deck to set up (Registeel from SM4), or act as a low cost cleaner late in the game (Cobalion from STS).

Trainer (32):
  • 4 Professor Sycamore
  • 2 Professor Kukui
  • 1 Bridgette (Pokémon Fan Club would be an alternative)
  • 3 Guzma
  • 4 N
  • 2 Rescue Stretcher
  • 3 Fighting Memory
  • 2 Field Blower
  • 3 Choice Band
  • 4 Max Elixir
  • 4 Ultra Ball

The deck needs a stable card flow and therefore needs more draw trainers. Acerola is not that impressive in this deck since most attackers can be either ohkoed easily or Acerola would slow down your own offense when used on those attackers that are not vulnerable to ohkos. The deck also lacked the standard four Ultra Balls to ensure a stable set up turn one. Six Memory items for Silvally GX are not needed. I replaced Psychic Memory with Choice Band since it also works with all the metal attackers. In addition I assume that hitting for fighting weakness is better than hitting for Psychic weakness since it allows Silvally GX to ohko more potentially viable attackers than Psychic Memory.

Energy (14):
3 Double Colorless Energy
11 Metal Energy

This is similar to a deck I have in mind at the moment but I am waiting for Celesteel GX to be revealed. He seems to have one three energy attack and two four energy attacks but all of them seem to work with Double Colorless Energy. He is also a metal type with weakness to lightning and resistance to fighting. If the attacks are decent I would consider him over Genesect EX but we will have to wait and see.