Serperior Wormadam


'locke enthusiast
Serperior from the Starter deck is a great way for healing health and dealing damage. 2{G}{G} for 60 damage and heal 20 for all {G} Pokemon plus using Wormadam arceus 1{G} for 20 damage and heal 20 from 1 pokemon is another way to heal more HP which is amazing for taking hits and healing damage. would this make a good deck?

EDIT: Please follow the Player's Sandbox rules. I added the links. ~EspeonROX.

Serperior from Black and White.
Wormadam Plant Cloak from Arceus.
Or just use Serperior by itself with the Serperior with the ability to heal 30 damage a turn while hitting for 60 damage a turn. There's no need for Wormadam when Serperior(s) do the better to a much better extent.
It's still the fact that if say a pokemon on your bench that isn't grass that needs healing then you can use Wormadam to heal that Pokemon.
To which i say Serperior. It heals from the bench so so you don't have to waste a turn attacking and dealing horrible damage with such a mediorce effect.
Or you could just play Pokehealers/Moo Moo Milk/ Life Herb. Trainer Healing support is generally stronger than attacking healing support, because it doesn't end your turn. However if you still want to stick with the Wormadam idea I suppose you could play 2-2 Shaymin Line with it (2 UL-1 Landmin X, 1 Skymin X). Boost your HP, revenge kill with Skymin and move all the energy on your field to the Pokemon of your preference for the turn with Celebration Wind.
Indeed but, Moo Moo's and Life Herbs are luck because you have to flip for heal, plus the Pokehealers are easy to run out of because two at a time twice you run out of them to quickly.
If you are concerned about it being flipsy I guess that you could play Potion or Blissey Platinum. IDK Steelix doesn't have a problem with Pokehealer and Life Herb and it heals a lot (my record is 390 damage in one turn, there wasn't that much damage on the field, but if there was...)
Vulpix Yolk said:
If you are concerned about it being flipsy I guess that you could play Potion or Blissey Platinum. IDK Steelix doesn't have a problem with Pokehealer and Life Herb and it heals a lot (my record is 390 damage in one turn, there wasn't that much damage on the field, but if there was...)

Potions are great now to the new B/W potion rules and Blissey is nice but I don't have it I will try with Potions deck and then the Wormadam against m Regional champ and what he thinks about the idea's thanks I'll get the news as soon as tommorow.