Secret Technique to Booster Choosing

Ophie said:
That being said, why didn't they open the packs, stuff their pockets with cards, and walk out? They'd be undetected by the x-ray things. The booster packs may have the detectors on them, but the cards don't. It's done with the Trading Figure game wherever I go. It's difficult to find figure packaging that hasn't been tampered with, since some kid will inevitably see them, rip open the back, take the figures they want, and put the packaging back.

I sometimes see empty wrappers of Pokémon booster packs, but I guess the little kids like the figures more.

Yeah I have seen that too, it's truly terrible. It boggle my mind why people do it, they don't want to pay I suppose.

I have really only seen the TFG stolen though, everyonce in a while I see some stolen cards but not as often.
People do it because they're Machiavellian and that if they can find any opportunity to get something worth money easily, they'll do it, illegal or not. It's pretty much too easy for the stores that put the cards in the toys section at the back of the store, since they're usually put in an isolated and quiet corner with no security cameras looking. Considering how bad these stores are asking for it to happen, I'm surprised I don't see it as often.
Also, every retail store I know of PREVENTS security and any employee from trying to stop a shoplifter (Including Target). You can't chase after them, etc. Normally, they're just not allowed to enter the store again.

I shop at Meijer's for my cards (A Michigan based grocery chain). Have yet to see boosters and tins ransacked.
CZHunter said:
Also, every retail store I know of PREVENTS security and any employee from trying to stop a shoplifter (Including Target). You can't chase after them, etc. Normally, they're just not allowed to enter the store again.

I shop at Meijer's for my cards (A Michigan based grocery chain). Have yet to see boosters and tins ransacked.

i know its really grrrr, we just ring the manager and they escort them out of the store.... it really entertaining :)
I work at Domino's. If someone tries to do a runner we jump the counter and spear tackle them. =].

So next time your at Domino's, kids, pay for the food, not the hospital fee's. =].
i have a ultimate technique to get lv.x from a booster

chose the middle 3 booster , you have to 60 on %

so i become palkia x , honchkrow x , cresselia x , empoleon x usw.

and a friend from me gets cresselia x too
Yeah, I pretty much agree with anybody who's says to weigh them. I usually get some good cards out of heavy packs.
Krucifier said:
I work at Domino's. If someone tries to do a runner we jump the counter and spear tackle them. =].

So next time your at Domino's, kids, pay for the food, not the hospital fee's. =].

Well, can't argue with the hands on approach!;)

for people that wiegh cards, what is generally the weight difference between good packs and not good packs?

So cards with Level X's actually have 11 cards in them instead of the regular 10? (Have yet to pull a pack with one in it).

That makes it SOOOO much easier.
No, they have the same amount of cards I believe. But the LV.X card itself is thicker than an average card. so if you come across a pack that is slightly thicker then a few other packs, chances are there may be a good card in there.
7Lucario7Master7 said:
An easyer way is to look at the backs the packs with Lv.Xs are a bit thicker then other ones.

Main and I already disproved that theory a long time ago >_>. That only works with EX Packs.
The best way is to buy a lot of packs at a time, like 3 or 4. Or just ask the shop owner to open up a new box.