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Standard Scizor deck - Need advices!


Hey there! I am playing a Scizor deck and i want to make it better! I am open to make a lot of changes but I absolutely want to play both scizors (baby and GX).

So there's my deck list and I hope some of you will have some advices!

3 Scizor-GX 90/168
2 Scizor 126/214
4 Scyther 3/214
2 Dhelmise 59/145
1 Ditto prism
1 Tapu Lele-GX

Trainer cards:
3 Guzma
2 Lillie
4 Cynthia
3 Tate & Liza
3 Acerola
4 Ultra ball
3 Nest ball
4 Metal Goggles
2 Pokémon Communication
2 Energy Switch
2 Switch
2 Field Blower
1 Rescue Stretcher
3 Mt. Coronet

9 Metal Energy

Oh and if you tell me which card to add, please tell me which card to take off for it... HUGE thanks!
There is a Scyther from Celestial Storm that let's you get 2 more Scythers onto your Bench for an Energy. Seems it could be worth a shot to get your Scizors out quicker,