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Sablock - States (Master)


Aspiring Trainer
I'm using sableye for a long time and I think it is the more confortable deck to play at states. I'm going to play 2 states in 03/26 and 04/09
I guess my meta will be luxchomp, lostgar, vilegar, gyarados, sablock. another decks like ttar are espected too.

Here is my list

4 Sableye -> Starter, disruption, DONK
2-2 Garchomp C lv X -> Main attacker
2-1 Uxie -> Draw engine, zen blade is awesome too
1 Promocroak -> Luxray, ttar etc counter
1 Weavile G [It's working better than honchkrow G] -> Early power sprays (awesome agains gyarados), heavy hitter against gengar
1 Chatot G -> Disrupting spy
1-1 Honchkrow SV -> late game hitter, mewtwo, machamp, gengar,gyarados counter
2 Crobat G -> Flash bite
1 Ambipom G -> Donk, garchomp counter
1 Unown Q -> 1 energy less to retreat

4 Conspiracy
3 Collector
4 Sprays
2 SP radar
4 Turn
3 Energy gain
1 Flower Shop Lady [I prefer it instead of Aaron]
2 Initiative
1 bebe's
1 Pokemon communication
2 Judge
1 Vs seeker
1 Junk arm

4 Special Dark
2 Dark
1 Psychic

Strategy: Lock opponent early game with key sprays, initiatives, judges..
Snipe them with garchomp C lv X and control the game.
The funtion of all pokés is above, I'd appreciate some help with changes in the deck, tips for strategy, observations, etc.
Thanks in advance =)
Your list is nice, but I would take out 1 VS Seeker (not needed) and a Flower Shop Lady (Aaron's better) for a Pokémon Communication (Consistency) and an Aaron's (better than Flower Shop Lady).
I'll test this changes, thanks, but how can I recover my honchkrow or murkrow if it's knocked out ? '.'
With flower shop I recover 3 energies and 3 pokemons and with my heavy and useful trainer line I can bring to game in the same turn.
Vilegar is a really hard match without using Blaziken and if you're worried about not being able to recover Honchcrow maybe you should just beef up the Honchcrow line as it helps with Gengar as well as Gyarados.
Yeah, I maybe will use 2-2 honchkrow SV line on tests next weenkend...
And I don't think Blaze improve my match up against vilegar, it justs bring active vileplume, so the opponent just attach warp energy, or energy, unown Q and retreat... for this I used frosslass GL because of asleep, plume couldn't retreat. If I get sableyes fast and open a good vantage on prizes, and slow down his/her set up I can win.
Blaziken can drag it up and if they can't get out can OHKO Vileplume. You say they can "just warp energy" but its not like they are always in their hand, and not searchable. The turn before I bring out Plume I like to use Initiative and drop a Chatot G so I'm sure they can't get out. I can see Froslass being viable but that doesn't help against other things like Blaze does. Also if they had a warp energy, the could warp out of Froslass too. Perhaps its my personal preference, but I have played the deck both ways, and I like Blaze.
Warp Energy is searcheble by Twins. You say "The turn before I bring out Plume I like to use Initiative and drop a Chatot G so I'm sure they can't get out." It isn't easy to have both cards in hand or search chatot G under trainer lock. And I don't think is worth it KO vileplume if it has rescue energy X.x
I prefer killing everthing ASAP and win the game even under trainer lock. But I'll try those tips on saturday, thanks =)