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Sablock 1.02

Aburame Yuki

Nothing to say...
I missed my sablock so i'm going to make it again. But i'll try to have fewer pokemon this time (just to try it). Now i will NOT play bronzong g, lucario gl, uxie X, honchkrow g and maybe something i forgot, that i played before. To hopefully get more consistence starts since i can't get a really bad starter now (except azelf..But i might even take azelf out).

Pokemon: 19
4 sableye
2-2 garchomp C
1-1 blaziken fb
2 crobat G
2-2 honchkrow SV
2 uxie la
1 unown Q

T/S/S: 30
2 judge
2 cyrus's initiative
2 pokemon collector
2 bebe's search
1 palmer's contribution
1 aaron's collection
4 cyrus's conspiracy
3 energy gain
2 sp radar
4 poke turn
3 power spray
2 energy exchanger
1 Alph lithograph TR (look at all of your face down prize cards)
1 junk arm

Energy: 11
2 fire
1 dark
4 special dark
4 double colorless

Strategy is like any sablock but i'll be more aggressive.

Zangoose said:
Disrupt with Judge plus Impersonate for a Cyrus' Initiative and ruin their new hand. Garchomp is for quick snipes, and honchkrow for gyarados, mewtwo, and Machamp.
I wont run more than 20 pokemon at most so if you have suggestions on some pokemon to add then try to suggest some to take out too.

Any suggestions?
^Disrupt with Judge plus Impersonate for a Cyrus' Initiative and ruin their new hand. Garchomp is for quick snipes, and honchkrow for gyarados, mewtwo, and Machamp.

For the list, Uxie X, imo, is needed for the Machamp matchup, along with plenty of others. Unown Dark's iffy imo. Up your Bebe's, Vilegar's going to be meta, now that lost worlds in effect. Cut the Energy Exchangers, try out a Weavile G it really tilts the Lostgar Matchup. Dragonite over Ambi imo. Honchkrow G's an option searching out your sprays.

Also by using your logic, you'll also be taking out a Q(and uxies)? Just because bad starts are an option doesn't mean you should cut them. Some of them are Staple.
^ Uxie and Q isn't as bad starts as azelf and most other techs since uxie can attack and return to the deck and q has free retreat cost. But a lone Q is not really wanted...
Aether vilegar nor big machamp lines in my area so uxie X and lucario gl are some cards that can be taken out.
I know unown dark is kind of, meh. But it can help me get a donk (pokemon collector -> sableye/crobat g, Q and unown dark -> special dark to sableye retreat the active or drop crobat = donk)

The reason i want another 1-1 honchkrow SV line is because it helps vs every fighting type (so no big need for uxie X), mewtwo, any gengar and gyarados and it can attack in any matchup (works vs sp too).

(If someone can find some room for the + honchkrow line i'll also change my psychic energy for fire.)

Dragonite > ambipom... In most cases i would agree and i would actually run both in this deck but since i'm running a low(er) pokemon count and it's a "donk" deck i'll run ambipom > draginite this time.

As for my logic,
Running fewer staples and there for lowering the bad start/draw to win over hard matchups fast. Instead of being prepared for 1/2 hard matchups and having greater chance of starting with azelf/bronzong g/ lucario gl/others... And therefor not getting a good start and blames the start for the loss (if you lost).

Anyway this should improve my consistence in the deck greatly and just look at the WM winners deck (the luxchomp) he ran only a few pokemon and of his deck to judge he didn't add anything that would only work in certain matchups (to increase his consistency). I think Jwitts has the deck list in one of his videos?

But... maybe i'll take out the unown dark for 1 bebe's search. Or take out azelf la (or something) and unown dark for 1-1 honchkrow SV? What do you think?

IMO, 2-2 honchkrow's weird. Pretty sure it was just for JWittz's meta. 1-1 should be all you need.
I actually wanted to try it before but was a little skeptical of it, but i needed something vs donphan and gengar variants. But it was after I saw that Jwittz had done it and that it worked that i took priority in finding room for it in my deck to try it my self.

Also.. I'm taking azelf la out and adding in 1 Alph lithograph TR. With it i can't start with azelf (one bad starter goes away) and i don't waste bench space to check my prizes. I know many will be like - but you get a pokemon with azelf, therefor azelf > Alph. Might be true but i mostly have important T/S/S in my prizes and those can't be taken with azelf aether.
Alph, Can't get power sprayed.
Alph, don't waist bench space.
Azelf, can't get trainer locked.
Azelf, can take pokemon from prizes.
Azelf, can be searched for.

Alph, can get trainer locked.
Alph, can't be searched for.
Azelf, can be power sprayed.
Azelf, snipe bait.
Azelf, bad starter.

Also if i'm going to add in another 1-1 honchkrow i might need more search power for none sp, right now i only have bebe's search (for evolved). So maybe take out 1 sp radar for 1 pokemon communication? Hmm..

Ok, what if i take out Azelf LA, 1 sp radar, 1 power spray and unown dark.
And add in Alph lithograph TR, 1 pokemon communication/bebe's search and 1-1 honchkrow SV (also swapping psychic energy for fire energy).

+1 pokemon communication or +1 bebe's search?

(making so many changes my self ^^ Can't help it i'm bored....)
lol, looks pretty much like my sablelock

I would add Bebe´s because it´s searchable and can´t be trainerlocked
imo u don´t need palmer´s, try to put in a looker´s instead becauseit helps you to recover from bad hands and you canalso use it as a third judge
as for the uxie x, take out a sableye for it
@Umbreon20: Actually i do need palmer's in most longer games it gives me basic energy that i have used to dragon rush and garchomp/other pokemon back so i can still take some easy prises even thought i should have run out of energy for it.

I don't really need uxie x and it will only be a bad card to draw early game. I would rather start with sableye most games.

Yeah, i think i'll play bebe's.

-1 energy exchanger
-1 special dark
+1 Unown Dark
+1 Vs seeker

Unown Dark will help you donk better adn vs seeker is a just in case it gives you more options late game, 3 SP dark is enough so you can consistently grab energy of cyrus. energy exchanger is a good card but I think its only good in a clinch.
^ I had unown dark in before (if you reed previous posts) but took it out to minimize the change of starting with a "bad" pokemon. For the energy, since i play 2-2 honchkrow SV i would like to keep the special darks since they help me to donk with sableye and boosts honchkrow so it don't need belt to 1 hit things (like belted gyarados).

I might make -1 energy exchanger for + 1 vs seeker. but i'll have to test the deck a couple of times as the deck is now.

Bump, I have played with the deck a bit and bean undefeated so far. Played vs mewsol w/ ampharos (my own deck) and a cursgar like deck. < Lost zoned my other honchkrow so running 2 will be good vs lostgar variants too ^^

So far no help from ambipom g so i'll take it out for 1 vs seeker (might try 1 junk arm as well) and test that out.
Updating main list.
Just a little bump. Changed the vs seeker for a junk arm. And nothing else has change since last bump. The deck works great and i noticed many others have posted sablock decks now so i'll do a (i think) last bump, so they might get some inspiration or give some feed back.
