Help Ruling on Tag Team GX attacks w/ energy boosters

John InCENAroar

Praising the Vish, Praying for Sableye V
So I'm reading the effects on the new Tag Team GX cards, and this thought didn't really click for me until I saw the recently revealed Gengar and Mimikyu TTGX. Though it's not as much of an issue with Venusaur (both baby and TTGX), would the Gardevoir that doubles the effect of Psychic energy, the one from Next Destinies, trigger the extra effect on Geng/ikyu TTGX's GX attack? Or is the phrase "attached" meaning there are two on the card at the time of use?
This is a tricky one. It's an unreleased card so we couldn't even ask for an official ruling yet. Let's take a crack at it, though.

As you mentioned with Gardevoir, there have been Abilities that allow one Basic Energy card to count as two. The most recent that I know of off the top of my head is Venusaur from Shining Legends. It's Ability Jungle Totem is similiar to the Ability Psychic Mirage that Gardevoir has. It just swaps [P] Energy for [G] Energy. Here's a ruling from the compendium that works on similar mechanics with Venusaur and Rayquaza GX that may offer precedence:

Q. Does Venusaur's "Jungle Totem" Ability boost the damage output of Rayquaza GX's "Dragon Break" attack since "each Basic {G} Energy attached to your Pokemon provides {G}{G} Energy"?

A. Yes, just because the Basic Energy card is now providing two units of energy doesn't change the fact that it's still Basic Energy. (Aug 9, 2018 TPCi Rules Team)

So that's saying that one Basic Energy can count as two Basic Energy for the sake of boosting damage. Rayquaza's attack here says that it does damage times the number of [G] and [L] Energy attached. Not actual Energy cards, just specific types of energy. "This attack does 30 damage times the amount of basic Grass and basic Lightning Energy attached to your Pokemon"

Horror House GX says "if this Pokemon has at least 1 extra [P] Energy attached to it (in addition to this attack’s cost), each player draws cards until they have 7 cards in their hand". It says energy attached, not energy card, so it looks like could work in the way you thought with Gardevoir NXD57.
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The bonus of Tag Team GX is Must or Can?
I mean i can go from simble if i want, or i must go the max one?(To avoid deck out, of if you not want to get the cards back or if you don't want to give opponent extra cards e.t.c
And if i undrestand correct the price card you taken AFTER the effect, so Snorlax and eevee (if you K.O tag team GX) you got 10 cards later the 3 price cards and next the draw one 14 cards correct?