

So I hear you like Mudkipz?

There it is ^^ My second fake card, much more fair than my last one; Darkrai EX.

If you would like a card made, PM me a picture of the Pokemon, a background, and what you want on the card. ^^
Wow... It's just that the text is a bit too large, don't you think?

EDIT: I mean, it looks a bit stretched.
Thanks everyone! I'm glad ya'll think it looks real, thats what I aim for.
Psychic Pokemon Master said:
Everything looks very good except for the fonts again... :D
Did you use the correct fonts??

I'm using Paint.Net and it is person >__> The font sizes that PPN wants me to use are way to big for Paint.Net, but yes I did use the correct fonts.
Please, look at real cards for effects of attacks or Powers, I guess it would have to be:

Electrical Charge
Once during your turn (before you attack) you may attach a (L) energy card from your hand to Rotom. (I'm not sure if there has to be more text, cause I'm not checking a real card ATM :F)

and it has to be "during your next turn"

Fonts are off. I think in-text Energies are too large. I also see some other small mistakes, but it's a decent card overall, nice try)

(What? someone has to criticize, if you say it's great or perfect when it's not, you're not helping AT ALL)