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Rogue Klinkclang BW-on (groudon landorus cobalion)


Cubone's Gavel
So, I was thinking of making a KlingKlang deck, but the one thing which I found was hard to do was accelerate energies. I checked the certain pokemon i have (and others via the internet) and I noticed that everything which accels in BW on (except emboar, etc) is from the discard pile. And since the metagame right now has some lovely weakness to fighting I made this.

Klinkline 3-1-3 (all with 3 retreat costs and the KlinkKlang has the gear shift)
1 Groudon EX
3 Landorus
2 Cobalion NV

13 pokemon

4 N
4 Juniper
2 Random Reciever

supporters (and RR) 10

3 Max Potion
3 Energy Retrieval
4 Rare Candy
4 Ultra Ball
3 Switch
2 Pokemon Catcher
2 Communication

21 items

4 Prism

So I thought that early on, getting a landorus out would be great, for damage spread (so groudon can auto 120) and so that you can discard energies (metal and fighting) using ultraball and juniper to get them back with abundant harvest. Then klingklang can move them around so that cobalion and groudon etc can attack quickly. Cobalion is more for Tornadus EX, as if they can't attack, then they gotta set him back for a turn, which is great if they havent set anyone else up yet (other than if they use shaymin).

I was thinking Evolites are a must, but don't know what else. I know I am hindering myself by not using junk arms etc.. but with the resources I have now, it is how I am building my decks.

its not rogue anymore everybodys running it. if u wait til bw on the blend energy will come in effect. until then i would do. instead of coballion i would do regular shaymin and mewtwo ex instead of groudon i'd do terrakion. i would change n to oaks or bianca. -1 ultra ball for random receiver. -2 energy retrieval and rare candy for 3 junk arm. that should do alright.