Refining Refinement — Where Does Gardevoir ex Stand?


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At the Latin American International Championships, Gardevoir ex was 25% of the Day 2 metagame, and fellow PokeBeach writer Ciaran Farah made Top 4 with it. However, since then, Gardevoir ex has been significantly declining, with only one Top 4 placement at Charlotte, Portland, and San Antonio. Gardevoir ex is still one of my favorite decks in the format — and it still has the potential to defeat anything — but even I can recognize that it does have some significant issues that prevent it from rising to the level that decks like Charizard ex, Giratina VSTAR, and Mew VMAX have reached.
In theory, Gardevoir ex should be one of the best...

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Since it’s so slow to play, losing against one on game 1 means you probably lost the round - usually time is called in the middle of the 2nd game. It’s pretty unfair since you have to take prizes 1 by 1
"Where Does Gardevoir ex Stand?"
Apparently well enough off to pilot it to a Top 4 the very next day, Natalie.