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Rayquaza EX


Aspiring Trainer
  • 4 Rayquaza EX
  • 3 Victini EX
  • 3 Tepig (BC)
  • 3 Emboar (Inferno)
  • 4 Rare Candy
  • 3 Superior Energy Retrieval
  • 3 Ultra Ball
  • 1 Level Ball
  • 2 Colress
  • 4 N
  • 4 Professor Juniper
  • 4 Skyla
  • 1 Victory Piece
  • 1 Super Rod
  • 16 Fire
  • 4 Lightning
The idea is to pump up a fast Rayquaza EX and use this deck like a red Blastiose Deck. Discard lots of energy, but scoop it right back up for endless 1HKO's.

This is just a deck for fun, and not made to be a Tier 1 competitive level deck, so I understand it will have some weak matchups or whatever. Also this is my first deck making myself since Fossil set, so if there is some very obvious screw ups in the trainers or whatever, let me know.

I am not sure about the Victini's yet, as they seemed to fit perfect with the Rayquaza but I have not had a chance to test at this point.

Thank you in advance for your time!

Edit: This is just a first version of the deck list, so don't hold back for anything I messed up!
you may want to put in a few regular Rayquaza. This way you can still attack stuff like Suicune and Sigilyph with safeguard. If not you would have to catcher around them or waste energy on Emboar.
I just ran into a deck with Sigilyph online and wrecked it pretty hard. Will try out the DV Rayquaza however, it looks interesting!

Edit: Was thinking of adding catchers, thoughts? Also would this be a good deck for Beach?
beach is great for nearly every deck. This deck would be greatly helped by it. Turn 1 you cant do anything anyway but start setting up. Turn 1 drop your pokemon, tepig hopefully and a rayquaza end it with tropical beach. Turn 2 (hopefully) evolve to emboar and start smacking things with Rayquaza.
Been playing this deck a bit online, moved in catchers over super rod. Still not super consistent, and the issue seems to be when someone has a full bench and the ability to retreat a lot (thus having a bunch of hurt pokemon instead of several just KO'd).

Also Hypno Lasers, those things jack this up good.
So I have been playing this deck a bit recently and have noticed that:

A: I very rarely get Emboar out when I need it

B: Has problems vs decks that can cycle in active pokemon easily (Darkrai Decks or Keldeo/Float Stone).

C: Hypnotic Lasers really suck to play against.

I was thinking of maybe removing the Emboar for something else? The only EX that popped out at me was Raikou EX, but even that seemed weak. Does anyone have any suggestions, there is sitll so many cards in modified I don't even know exist yet, I am sure there is something I am just missing.
One, you have way to much Fire energy. I would bring it down to 10. That leaves six spots for consistency.

+4 Pokemon Catcher (A 4-of in almost every deck)
+1 Reshirem NXD (A good non-EX attacker)
+1 Level Ball (For those pigs)

Hope it helps. :)
The problem with you deck is you probably need more drawing power. Maybe bicycles would help you since you can drop fire energy like no ones business. or just terrible luck. i have no problem getting my 2nd step up by tun 2 in most decks.

Most my decks have 4 juniper 3 N 3 skyla and 1 colress and one other supporter. With 3-1-3 and 3 rare candy. You just cant be afraid of using juniper on your first and second turn, regardless of you hand. You need to get through those like first 14 ish cards on turn 1 so you can have a better chance of getting your stage 2 out on turn 2. If you can get through 3 hands worth of cards by the time you hit turn 2 you should have gotten everything you need for your 2nd step.
Blueinvader said:
One, you have way to much Fire energy. I would bring it down to 10. That leaves six spots for consistency.

+4 Pokemon Catcher (A 4-of in almost every deck)
+1 Reshirem NXD (A good non-EX attacker)
+1 Level Ball (For those pigs)

Hope it helps. :)

Yeah actually I need to update the decklist, I swapped the super rods for Catchers. Will update it in a few. I'll check out Reshirem, have not seen him yet.

Ivy_Profen said:
The problem with you deck is you probably need more drawing power. Maybe bicycles would help you since you can drop fire energy like no ones business. or just terrible luck. i have no problem getting my 2nd step up by tun 2 in most decks.

Most my decks have 4 juniper 3 N 3 skyla and 1 colress and one other supporter. With 3-1-3 and 3 rare candy. You just cant be afraid of using juniper on your first and second turn, regardless of you hand. You need to get through those like first 14 ish cards on turn 1 so you can have a better chance of getting your stage 2 out on turn 2. If you can get through 3 hands worth of cards by the time you hit turn 2 you should have gotten everything you need for your 2nd step.

I do have 4 Juniper/Skyla/N in this deck. And I am always under the mindset of being willing to drop a hand at a moments notice. However I am still having consistency issues even with them.