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RayEels (Rayquaza/Eelektrik)

Card Slinger J

Aspiring Trainer
Pokemon (14)

4 Tynamo (2 #38/101 - 2 #45/108)
4 Eelektrik NV
3 Rayquaza EX
2 Emolga (Dragons Exalted)
1 Rayquaza DV

Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums (34)

4 Professor Juniper
4 N
3 Skyla
3 Bianca
3 Pokemon Catcher
3 Ultra Ball
3 Level Ball
3 Energy Retrieval
3 Switch
2 Super Rod
1 Energy Switch
1 Computer Search
1 Skyarrow Bridge

Energies (12)

7 Lightning
5 Fire

Deck Total (60)

Strategy of the deck is pretty straightforward, setup Tynamos with Emolga's Call for Family in order to get your Eelektrik's out to Dynamotor on Rayquaza, I was also going to consider running Mewtwo EX in this deck for X Ball but considering that Darkrai EX walls it like a boss especially other EX's that can resist it easily like Registeel and Cobalion I'd say that's not a good idea especially Meloetta BC who can use Psychic to one shot Mewtwo EX with ease.

With Rayquaza this deck shouldn't have much of a problem against Darkrai/Hydreigon especially with Catcher but against other matchups like Blastoise/Keldeo or even Landorus/Mewtwo I'm not entirely sure. I was going to consider running a 4th Skyla but it might be kinda overkill, I run Energy Switch solely because after I use Emolga early game I'm going to need that energy attachment on something else like Rayquaza EX or regular Rayquaza to help get around Sigilyph with Safeguard.

Any help, advice, and/or suggestions are greatly appreciated. ;)
No feedback, really? :/

Let me guess...

- 3 Bianca
- 3 Energy Retrieval
- 2 Emolga
- 1 Energy Switch

+ 3 Colress
+ 1 Keldeo EX
+ 1 Mewtwo EX
+ 1 Skyarrow Bridge
+ 1 Pokemon Catcher
+ 1 Ultra Ball
+ 1 Skyla
I'll drop some advice (also, sometimes it takes a few days before the advice starts coming). Keep the Biancas. Colress really doesn't do this deck much, since by the time you'd be wanting to use it, your deck would be pretty thin.
-2 Emolga
-1 Rayquaza EX
-2 Energy Retrieval
-1 Energy Switch
-1 Super Rod
-1 Skyla

+1 Rayquaza DV
+2 Zekrom
+1 Pokemon Catcher
+1 Switch
+1 Skyarrow
+2 Electric Energy

Call it cookie-cutter if you'd like, but with these changes, this deck becomes amazingly consistent, and very reliable against today's big decks. With Zekrom /and/ Rayquaza DV, you won't have to worry about Plasmaklang locking you down, and with all the power this deck has, Blastoise/Keldeo isn't too bad of a matchup either. You even have some good things going for you against Landorus. The reason for cutting Emolga and adding another Ray DV is because Rayquaza is your ideal starter. 1 Electric Energy and you hit hard from the start, and have a chance to charge your discard with energies. Hope I helped! :D
For your matchup's, you don't have to worry much about Keldeo. You have the ability to OHKO their Keldeos, which will hurt their strategy. Actually, RayEels is the biggest counter for Keldeo right now =P
Hydreigon can be unfavorable. Darkrai OHKO's your Eels and Giratina EX/Hydreigon can OHKO your attackers. Sure, you do have Super Rods, but you can't keep recycling Eels/attackers forever. And you need two turns to get another Eel back into play.

For changes, I would recommend:

-1 Energy Switch
-3 Energy Retrieval
-1 Skyla
-1 Super Rod
+1 Keldeo EX
+1 Switch
+1 Skyarrow
+2 Lightning Energy
+1 Pokemon Catcher
I would add a mewtwo in there just for the mewtwo wars that get started. You only really need one energy retrieval and that's only to get back fine energies if needed. I would only play 2 switch but play 2 skyarrow instead, with virbank knocking about you need a couple just to get rid of other people's stadiums and keep yours in play. Keep at least 2 skyla it's a really good card when you need something like skyarrow. I'd put a raikou ex in there it's fantastic with the way it works with rayquazza ex and skyarrow just powering up with eels and then getting in and out of the active spot without a retreat cost.
Good deck list though bud!
Your deck overall looks pretty solid, with the exception of another Skyarrow Bridge and a few other things. Here are my recommendations.

-1 Skyla (2 should be enough)
-1 Super Rod (if you need to use 2, you've already lost)
-3 Energy Retrieval (not really necessary, and space could be better used)
-3 Bianca (this is player preference, but I think Colress is a big improvement)

+1 Skyarrow Bridge (2 minimum)
+1 Catcher (BCIF)
+1 Ultra Ball (really helps with the fast set up)
+1 Tool Scrapper (not often there when you need it, but SO helpful to get the OHKO. Also, without it Garbordor is an autoloss)
+1 Raikou EX (great in the mirror match)
+3 Colress (see Bianca)

If you are still having problems with Landorus, Keldeo should solve it.
+1 Keldeo EX
+3 Prism (For Keldeo, definitely worth it.)
-3 Fire energy
-1 Your choice (Rayquaza EX?)

Hope I helped, and good luck!