Finished Rank The User Above You

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7.75 Based on your Effort values, I can tell you've been here a while, but I haven't seen you around much.
7.0 The only place I've seen you is here and the fan creations. Soon to go up as soon as you increase you level more. :)
Togeshroob said:
3/10 This is pretty much the first time I have ever seen you!

Eh, it's probably just because I changed my avatar! ^ ^; I had the guy w/ the Lucario hat before Pulseman.

9/10 Hey there Blastoise!
Didn't see you many times, but due to your level... 6/10
Kevin Garrett said:
7.75 You've been on for a while and have the PokeBeach league, but you don't post much.

Hey dude! If someone don't post as much as some SPAMers who can post 1000 posts in one month, doesn't mean he/she doesn't post much. Look at me. Was on PokéBeach Forums before almost every now-more-then-active-member and due to my level you could easily say that "I don't post much", because I never really SPAMed anything, or just try not to.

BTW: Didn't really mean you...
Some of us remembers Ghost Pokemon Master, he was catastrophic SPAMer!
8.25 I see you in many places and have been here for a while.

(True, but I'm very active in the Pokemon Battle Arena and El Squirrelo rarely posts in his own threads. I haven't spammed on these forums to get to the amount of posts where I'm at. I merely take part in multiple discussions.)
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