Ruling Question Regarding Silver Wind (Dustox EX)

Black Winged Gengar

Apocalyptic Phantom
Say I have Dustox EX as my active and I attack with Silver Wind, and during my opponent's turn, he/she retreats the Pokemon attacked by it. Does benching end the attack boost effect? I know the new Pokemon is safe because the effect is on the Defending Pokemon and not me. But, for example, say I used a Pokemon Reversal on that exact card I attacked and brought it back out. If I attacked again would I still receive the 30 damage boost? Just in case, does the same go for sniping attacks like Feint Attack and also force out attacks like Drag Off that I use on the Pokemon attacked with Silver Wind?

Just for reference, here is how the attack is read:

(G, C) Silver Wind   40

During your next turn, if an attack does damage to the Defending Pokemon (after applying Weakness and Resistance), that attack does 30 more damage.
Silver Wind is Affected to the Defending Pokémon. if YOU Switch/Retreat, do +30 damage. if YOUR OPPONENT Switch/Retreat, it doesnt do +30 damage, get it?
now, you already know that the effect resides on the Defending Pokemon, so you've answered it all! Any Benching or evolving removes all effects of attacks, so reversals will remove the Silver Wind, and Feint Attack will not get the +30 damage (unless it's attacking the Active without benching).

Drag Off attacks will also not receive the +30 damage boost, unless you didn't switch the opponent's Active. In addition, 2 reversals to bring up the same Poke will not give you any additional damage, as the summarized rule is:

Benching or evolving removes all effects of attacks. Clear now?
chimaera_ex is correct. Dustox ex clearly states any damage done to the "defending pokemon" is increased during your next turn.

The term "defending pokemon" is one which many people get mixed up with. Let me give an example:
Pidgeotto is the defending pokemon against Dustox ex. Now if Dustox attacks Pidgeotto with Silver Wind, during the next turn to obtain the extra +30 damage Pidgeotto must still be active without having moved to the bench. If it moves to the bench the defending Pokemon is no longer Pidgeotto so the effect is removed. If Pidgeotto evolves or devolves during your next turn, the defending Pokemon is no longer Pidgeotto. Silver Wind's effect specifically targetted Pidgeotto, not its basic or stage 2 forms.

That means evolving, devolving, retreating or moving to the bench will remove the effect of Silver Wind from Pidgeotto.
I don't think you guys are getting my exact question. If I use Silver Wind and on a Charizard and during my next turn I use a Reversal to get a Dragonite out, then yes, my boost is gone towards Dragonite. My question is, is the effect still on Charizard? Can I snipe the exact Charizard that had Silver Wind used on it? It was the defending Pokemon, and Dragonite wasn't. I'm not asking if I do +30 no matter what, I'm asking if the effect is unremovable unless the Pokemon evolves or is scooped up somehow like by a Mr. Briney.

The reason I was wondering is because I'm gonna try out a T2 Dustox EX deck and maybe throw some Beautifly in to get cheap KOs late game. Like, say, I Silver Wind a Charmeleon, it retreats and Blastoise is sent out. Then during my turn I retreat, send out Beautifly, and use Luring Antenna for a total of 50 and KO on the Charmeleon. I thought that the combo was supposed to sorta go together some how so I figured it'd work, but I wanted to double check.

I sorta brought that up because I had one more question I forgot to include with Beautifly. Its Hunch PokeBody states that I get a +40 Damage Boost with damage done to the Defending Pokemon. If I use Luring Antenna on a benched, say, Raichu, do I still get that 40 damage bonus because I forced it out as the Defending Pokemon??
No, Switching or evolving the Defending Pokémon stops the effect. By Switching it doesnt, no matter how. by (d)evolving the Defending Pokémon Stops the effect.,
Anything that changes the Defending Pokémon's state (THIS Pokémon in THIS space at THIS time) will stop it. NOt too sure if it made sense...
Black Winged Gengar said:
I don't think you guys are getting my exact question. If I use Silver Wind and on a Charizard and during my next turn I use a Reversal to get a Dragonite out, then yes, my boost is gone towards Dragonite. My question is, is the effect still on Charizard? Can I snipe the exact Charizard that had Silver Wind used on it? It was the defending Pokemon, and Dragonite wasn't. I'm not asking if I do +30 no matter what, I'm asking if the effect is unremovable unless the Pokemon evolves or is scooped up somehow like by a Mr. Briney.
We answered your question whether we understood what you were asking or not. Silver Wind targets the Defending Pokemon, i.e. Your opponent's Active Pokemon. If the targeted Pokemon evolves, devolves or moves to the bench the effect is removed. Charizard is moved to the bench when you use Reversal, therefore Silver Wind's effect is removed, end of story. You don't get +30 on Charizard, or +30 on Dragonite, if Charizard leaves the active position.

Black Winged Gengar said:
I sorta brought that up because I had one more question I forgot to include with Beautifly. Its Hunch PokeBody states that I get a +40 Damage Boost with damage done to the Defending Pokemon. If I use Luring Antenna on a benched, say, Raichu, do I still get that 40 damage bonus because I forced it out as the Defending Pokemon??
Luring Antenna states that you switch the Pokemon before doing damage, so the new active Pokemon is the new Defending Pokemon. So yes, you can choose a benched Raichu and still get the +40 damage as no damage is given until the switch has been made.